During the summer months when aphid-food is plentiful, aphids reproduce through aprocess called "parthenogenesis," from the Latin words "virgin birth." What that means is thatfemale aphids give birth to more female aphids without ever seeing a male. As soon as thosedaughters mature, they produce their own offspring, and so on.
在夏季的幾個月期間,蚜蟲的食物充足,它們會通過單性生殖方式繁殖后代,"parthenogenesis"這一詞來源于拉丁語“virgin birth(圣靈感孕)”,意思就是雌性蚜蟲不與雄性交配而生出許多雌性蚜蟲。雌性蚜蟲的女兒們一成熟,就立即繁衍自己的后代,如此以往。
Without the search for mates or the ensuing courtship rituals, parthenogenesis means bigsavings in time and energy: in just one season, a single aphid can give rise to billions ofdescendants.
But in the fall, fresh food gets harder to find and there'd no longer be any reason forproducing so many offspring. So now a generation of aphids is born that includes males as wellas females. And what happens next between the males and females is just what you mightexpect.
Why aphids would turn from parthenogenesis to something as messy and inefficient as sexis another story, but in short, sexual reproduction is nature's way of shuffling the genes tocreate variety. Each of the offspring inherits a random mix of the parents' genes. Andvariety is what enables species to adapt and evolve as the environment changes.
But when summer returns and the living is easy, the aphids give up on variety andreproduce once again in the fastest way they know how.