Executives of the college introduced themembers of the debate team at a news conferenceheld on the campus of Wenzao.
The debate team consisted of three students: Yen Tzu-chien, a senior in the Departmentof Foreign Language Instruction; Fang Chia-hsuan, a junior in the Department of Translationand Interpretation; and Pan Chun-ting, a fifth-year student in the Department of French in thejunior college division.
They defeated more than 100 debaters from other countries and territories, includingJapan, South Korea, and Hong Kong, to capture the championship in the EFL category ofthe competition, held at Kyoto Seika University.
In the final competition, the Wenzao team defeated the team from Seikei University inTokyo, with a 3-0 decision by the judges.
In addition to winning the overall championship, team member Yen, together with acontestant from Japan and another contestant from South Korea, placed first among the top10 speakers in the EFL category.
The Wenzao Debate Society's leader, Hsiao Yi-chiao-a third-year student in the five-yearjunior college-was invited to serve as a judge for the competition.