Andrew Jackson 安德魯·杰克遜(美國第七任總統(tǒng):1829-1837年)
1 . Andrew Jackson's Marriage
Before Andrew Jackson was president, he marrieda woman named Rachel Donelson in 1791. She had previously been married and believed that she was legally divorced. However, after marrying Jackson, Rache lfound out this was not the case. Her first husband charged her with adultery.Jackson would have to wait until 1794 to legally marry Rachel. Even though this happened over thirty years previously, it was used against Jackson in theelection of 1828. Jackson blamed Rachel's untimely death two months before hetook office on these personal attacks against him and his wife。
在杰克遜當選總統(tǒng)之前,他曾在1791年和一位叫Rachel Donelson的女士結成連理。這位Rachel之前曾有過一段婚姻,但她自己說已經(jīng)離婚了。然而,事實卻并非如此,在嫁給杰克遜之后,Rachel的前夫以通奸罪起訴了Rachel。直到1794年,杰克遜才和Rachel成為合法夫妻。盡管在1828年杰克遜競選總統(tǒng)時,這件事情已經(jīng)過去30多年,但它依舊成為了攻訐杰克遜工具。在杰克遜當選總統(tǒng)的前兩個月,Rachel就去世了。而Rachel的去世卻更是引發(fā)了人們對杰克遜和她的人身攻擊。