Scientists are using AI to solve the mystery of the radio waves from deepest space which keep slamming into telescopes on Earth.
The sudden and baffling flashes are known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) and until now have been virtually impossible to spot and trace.
They are intense pulses of radio waves that last no longer than the blink of an eye and come from far beyond our Milky Way galaxy.
NRAO Outreach/T. Jarrett (IPAC/Caltech); B. Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF)
No one knows what causes the strange bursts, but theories range from highly magnetized neutron stars and supermassive black holes to signs of an advanced civilization.
Now astronomers are using artificial intelligence to pinpoint the source of the pulses, in the hope of explaining who or what is sending them to Earth.
Now Wael Farah, a doctoral student at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, developed a machine-learning system that recognized the signatures of FRBs as they arrive.
Farah’s system trained the Molonglo telescope in Canberra to spot FRBs and switch over to its most detailed recording mode, producing the finest records of FRBs yet.
“It is fascinating to discover that a signal that traveled halfway through the universe,” he said. The research was recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.
Some scientists have suggested that the bursts could be from rapidly rotating neuron stars but others think they are messages from aliens.
They have complex, mysterious structures, patterns of peaks and valleys in radio waves that play out in just milliseconds, reports Space.com.
That’s not the sort of signal astronomers expect to come from a simple explosion, or any other events known to scatter spikes of electromagnetic energy across space.
Ever since the first one was uncovered in 2007, using data recorded in 2001, there’s been an ongoing effort to pin down their source.
But FRBs arrive at random times and places and existing human technology and observation methods aren’t well-primed to spot these signals.
In January, we told how astronomers discovered a set of mysterious radio signals that could have been sent to Earth by a distant alien race.
The repeating Fast Radio Burst, only the second ever found, was fired from a spot 1.5 billion light-years from our planet – and experts are baffled as to what created it.