(17) 子曰:“不患人之不己知,患不知人也。”
The Master said, ( the good man) does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs.
(孔子《論語》,Arthur Waley譯)
(18) 名不正則言不順,言不順則事不成,……
If language is incorrect, then what is said does not concord with what was meant; and if what is said does not concord with what was meant, what is to be done cannot be effected.
(孔子《論語》,Arthur Waley譯)
(19) 我想:希望本無所謂有,無所謂無。
I thought: hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist.
(20) 不看秦始皇兵馬俑,不算真正到過中國。
a. A traveler who has not seen the Qin Dynasty terra cotta figures cannot claim to have visited China.
b. No one who has not seen the Qin Dynasty terra cotta figures can claim to have visited China.
兩個譯文都保留了雙重否定的形式。譯文a中的第一層否定放在定語從句的謂語部分(has not seen),而譯文b的第一層否定放在了主語部分(No one who ...)。兩個譯文都不錯,但譯文b的語勢似乎更強。