——買大連出的 (家具)吧!
— I want to buy a set of furniture.
— Buy one (set of furniture) made in Dalian.
—Where shall we go for a spring outing?
—(We'll go to)Moshan (for a spring outing)
—Have you made up your mind to work in Tibet after graduation?
—Sure!(I've made up my mind to work in Tibet after graduation.)
結構銜接還可以通過對偶( antithesis)、排比(parallelism)、對照(contrast)、頂針(anadiplosis)、回環(huán)(palindrome)、層遞(climax)、反復(repetition)等修辭手段來實現(xiàn)。
Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
“運用一對語法結構相同和相似、字數(shù)相等和基本相等的詞句來表達兩個相反、相對或相似的意思,這樣的修辭手法叫做對偶。”(李定坤,1994:415)此例前后兩句都用了主謂賓結構,字數(shù)完全相等,意義完全相反,英譯文亦然。不同的是增添了連詞whereas 突出了對比的意味和英語的形合特征。
Swallows fly away, yet return; willows wither, yet burgeon again; peach-blossom fades, yet blooms afresh. But tell me, you who are wise, why do our days depart never to return?
排比是“把幾個(一般是三個以上)結構相同或相似、意義相關、語氣一致的詞組或句子排列成串,形成一個整體。”(李定坤, 1994:443)上例的第一句便是排比句,描述了一些顯而易見的自然現(xiàn)象,以便突出“日子一去不復返”這一作者關注的現(xiàn)象。作為該篇散文的起始句,三個復句如此連用,極有感染力,很快就將讀者引入語境。
?、未蠹t花一朵朵全被拉長了,這時是潑刺奔進的紅錦 帶 。 帶 織入 狗 中, 狗 織入 白云 中。 白云 織入村女中……
Each of the great crimson flowers stretched out now into rippling red silk belts. The belts interwove with the dogs, the dogs with the white clouds, and the white clouds with the country girls.
⑾ 我為人人,人人為我。
One for all, all for one
We will not attack unless we are attacked.
?、?長相知才能不相疑,不相疑才能長相知 。
Only by being well acquainted with each other can we be free from suspicions, and only without suspicions can we always keep bosom friends with each other.
Year in year out you've been looking forward with eager expectation to my home-coming; year in year out I've been looking forward with great anxiety to returning home.
原文可分為兩個部分,①與②的結構完全相同,時間概念由短到長,母親的“望眼欲穿”與兒子的“歸心似箭”,近似對偶辭格。譯文用year in year out譯出了原文時間概念的虛指,結構上完美地復制了原文的銜接關系。
We are free!
We are free!
The one that is all is free!
The all that is one is free!
Freedom is you, freedom is me!
Freedom is “he ”,freedom is fire!