In a more agnostic culture than the one I grew upwith it's a challenge to know how to talkmeaningfully about something so enormous whenwe don't really understand it. There is scepticismabout the afterlife these days. But however scepticalpeople may be about heaven and hell, it always feelsbrutal to speak of the total extinction ofpersonality, when the personality concerned issomeone you know. Whether we believe or don'tbelieve about life after death we tend to soften thelanguage of finality, to resort to metaphor, tosaying death is like this or like that even the death is not like anything. That is its majesty. As apriest who conducts funerals I find the language of faith, with poetry, music and acts ofremembrance are what allow us to make the transition between life and death, to discoverthat death, though a change of state, is not the end of being.",