It's hard enough to describe the synergy betweenthe idea of a soul and the material world. Talk ofeternity is even more difficult. How does a persongain the whole world and lose his soul? And how doesa soul die?Is the soul the phantom me, which floatsoff to heaven or is it inextricably who we always are?These are huge questions. It's so much easier tolimit soul to a category of music.But oddly I'm withDa Vinci in one respect. The soul is indeed anintricate part of God's grand design in ourhumanity. It's what it means to be made in God'simage and likeness. But the soul, which some believe to be stronger than death itself, is neverimmune from the limitations, myths and meanings in our physical world.It can pollutebehaviour or elevate us to better ways of being human.Meshed in a coil of intuitions, instincts,emotions and values by which we live, the soul lives in the material world but should never bedefined by it. When it does it dies.