The road to peace and reconciliation is a complexand painful process, whether in national or indeedindividual conflicts. It involves the conquering offear, the dealing with bitterness and outrage, andthe building of trust. It can be supported orsubverted by those outside of the immediatesituation as well as those inside. Yet it has to startsomewhere with one side making the firstvulnerable move, and taking risks for peace.As aChristian celebrating Easter, I have been struck onceagain that the work of God in the death andresurrection of Jesus Christ is often described in terms of peace and reconciliation. The NewTestament sees the selfishness and arrogance of human beings as leading to separation fromGod and from one another. However, it continually emphasises that God makes the first movein offering a new start of reconciliation, with the cross being the place of vulnerability andpain which achieves it.