Surely nothing tests the faith of the believer as muchas this - the sudden, frightening, violent death ofthose we love.There have been many attempts toreconcile intellectually such unbearable tragedieswith faith in a loving God. They range from the notwholly convincing to the quite appalling. The Bookof Job has both. When it says that we are meremortals so could not begin to understand the waysof God, perhaps there is some truth in it. But theidea that human tragedies are deservedpunishments for wrongdoing merely compoundsthe grief and pain.The ordinands I spoke with will need to take into their pastoral ministry arecognition that living by faith will sometimes mean being assailed by doubt. But they mightalso note this paradox of the human condition. When those most bitter and painful tragediesstrike us down, faith can be a consolation - sometimes the only consolation - even as at thesame time it's tested to breaking point.