Returning from my first morning stroll, I againsallied out upon this special errand. The sky hadchanged from clear, sunny cold, to driving sleet and mist. Wrapping myself in my shaggyjacket of the cloth called bearskin, I fought my way against the stubborn storm. Entering, Ifound a small scattered congregation of sailors, and sailors' wives and widows. A muffledsilence reigned, only broken at times by the shrieks of the storm. Each silent worshipperseemed purposely sitting apart from the other, as if each silent grief were insular andincommunicable. The chaplain had not yet arrived; and there these silent islands of men andwomen sat steadfastly eyeing several marble tablets, with black borders, masoned into the wallon either side the pulpit. Three of them ran something like the following, but I do not pretendto quote:
SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN TALBOT, Who, at the age of eighteen, was lost overboardNear the Isle of Desolation, off Patagonia, November 1st, 1836. THIS TABLET Is erected to hisMemory BY HIS SISTER.
約翰.塔爾伯特紀念碑 約翰.塔爾伯特,于一八三六年十一月一日,在寂寥島附近的巴塔哥尼亞海面,失足落海身亡,終年一十八歲。他的姊姊特立此碑以為紀念。
SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT LONG, WILLIS ELLERY, NATHAN COLEMAN, WALTERCANNY, SETH MACY, AND SAMUEL GLEIG, Forming one of the boats' crews OF THE SHIP ELIZAWho were towed out of sight by a Whale, On the Off-shore Ground in the PACIFIC, December31st, 1839. THIS MARBLE Is here placed by their surviving SHIPMATES.
羅伯特.朗,威利斯.埃勒里 內森.科爾曼,沃爾特.坎尼 塞思.梅西,塞繆爾.格萊格紀念碑 上述諸人均為"伊萊扎號"船員,于一八三九年十二月三十一日在太平洋海面的漁場上被一巨鯨曳去失蹤。