Don: Sorry, Yael, just getting in some jumping jacksbefore work. I don't want to be one of the quartermillion Americans who die prematurely each yearfrom conditions like diabetes, heart disease, andobesity.
Yael: Oh brother, another segment about the benefits of exercise. What's the big deal? Isn'tthere medicine that takes care of these diseases?
Don: Well, medication is great for stabilizing existing conditions, but it doesn't solve theunderlying problems.
Yael: And everybody knows that exercising is good for you.
Don: Yes, but now scientists suggest that exercise is even more than that. The theory is thathumans are genetically programmed by evolution to be physically active. After all, ourancestors spent millions of years hunting and gathering and only the last few thousand years ascultivators.
Yael: So cushy office jobs aren't natural?
Don: Right. So today, when we think of the average person, we think of someone who doesn'texercise. And what these scientists are saying is that the biological norm is a person who isvery active.
Yael: I'm not sure I see your point.
Don: So instead of saying that exercising decreases your risk for certain health problems, it'smore correct to say that not exercising increases your risk for those problems. Your bodyexpects you to exercise, and when you don't, your body is more likely to break down. So whenyou do nothing, you're actually making things worse.