A sleeping baby in your arms feels heavier becauseyou must constantly adjust your own movements tocompensate for their floppiness. Your muscles workharder to carry a child who's asleep, and your brain perceives this increase in work as anincrease in the child's weight, though, of course, the weight of the baby stays the same.
To picture this, think about carrying a twenty-pound bag of water. You would continually haveto rearrange how you were holding that bag to make up for how the weight shifted due to thewater sloshing around.
In a similar way, you must continually adjust how you are holding or carrying a sleeping babybecause they aren't able to control their own muscles to maintain a steady posture. Theirinability to control their posture and movements makes them floppy, just like that bag ofwater.
Now, freeze your twenty-pound bag of water. Though it would be cold and slippery, it wouldfeel lighter because it is a solid weight that doesn't require you to constantly make minuteadjustments in order to carry it. This is how you perceive the weight of a conscious person.
Babies aren't the only ones who seem heavier when they go limp. Dogs and cats also seem togain weight when they go to sleep. And political protesters take advantage of thisphenomenon by completely relaxing their muscles when police try to drag them away from aprotest.