At about the same time, a young Congressman fromCalifornia, John Moss, was coming to the sameconclusion — discovering that a lot of governmentrecords were being held back from the public almostby default, without a thoughtful or systematicprocess.
John Moss worked on this issue for 12 of his 26 years in Congress. He eventually authored theFreedom of Information Act. It offered a compromise between those who argue for secrecy asit relates to national security, and those who argue for a citizen's right to know, on acase–by–case basis. Based on the belief that individuals should know what their government isup to, The Freedom of Information Act was signed into law on July 4, 1966 — and expanded in1974 after the Watergate scandal.
The Act allows any person the right to access information from a federal agency through awritten request. Government agencies are required to disclose the documents, unless theycan be lawfully withheld under the specific exemptions written into the Act. Because of hispush to release government information, the FBI kept an extensive file on Congressman Moss,which was recently released ... through the Freedom of Information Act.