Don: I'll pass, thank you.
Yael: What about some of this tofu salad?
Don: Why are you pushing soy foods on me?
Yael: Because it turns out that there is yet anotherbenefit to consuming soy, and this benefit is formen specifically. When digested, soy creates amolecule called equol, which blocks the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, otherwise knownas DHT.
Don: Hold up there. Why on earth would I want to consume something that will block myprecious male hormones? Aren't those important?
Yael: Down boy! Testosterone does serve important functions, but DHT is not so desirable,considering its involvement in prostate cancer. The pharmaceutical industry has focused a lotof energy into developing drugs that do what soy does naturally. Except the problem is that thedrugs created to fight prostate cancer don't just affect DHT, but they affect testosterone too.These drugs inhibit testosterone from converting into DHT. In doing so, they not only reducethe harmful effects of male hormones, but they reduce the beneficial effects of thesehormones too.
Common side effects of these drugs include reduced libido, impotence, decrease in musclestrength, and an increased risk of osteoporosis. What's so promising about soy is that itdoesn't prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT, but instead blocks DHT fromfunctioning once it's made. The result is that soy prevents DHT from doing its damage withoutblocking the beneficial effects of male hormones. Scientists think that because of its effects onDHT, soy may prove beneficial in treating other conditions associated with DHT, such as malepattern baldness.
Don: On second thought, how about you pass that tofu over this way?