At the heart of the machine were two 350-poundlead balls, which were suspended beside twosmaller spheres. The idea was to measure the gravitational deflection of the smaller spheresby the larger ones, which would allow the first measurement of the elusive force known as thegravitational constant, and from which the weight (strictly speaking, the mass) of the Earthcould be deduced.
To a physicist, mass and weight are two quite different things. Your mass stays the samewherever you go, but your weight varies depending on how far you are from the center of someother massive object like a planet. Travel to the Moon and you will be much lighter but no lessmassive. On Earth, for all practical purposes, mass and weight are the same and so the termscan be treated as synonymous. at least outside the classroom.
Because gravity holds planets in orbit and makes falling objects land with a bang, we tend tothink of it as a powerful force, but it is not really. It is only powerful in a kind of collectivesense, when one massive object, like the Sun, holds on to another massive object, like theEarth. At an elemental level gravity is extraordinarily unrobust. Each time you pick up a bookfrom a table or a dime from the floor you effortlessly overcome the combined gravitationalexertion of an entire planet. What Cavendish was trying to do was measure gravity at thisextremely featherweight level.