From this, he reasoned he could determine the length of one degree of the Earth's meridianand thus calculate the distance around the whole. It was an almost ludicrously ambitiousundertaking—a mistake of the slightest fraction of a degree would throw the whole thing outby miles—but in fact, as Norwood proudly declaimed, he was accurate to "within ascantling"—or, more precisely, to within about six hundred yards. In metric terms, his figureworked out at 110.72 kilometers per degree of arc.
In 1637, Norwood's masterwork of navigation, The Seaman's Practice , was published andfound an immediate following. It went through seventeen editions and was still in printtwenty-five years after his death. Norwood returned to Bermuda with his family, becoming asuccessful planter and devoting his leisure hours to his first love, trigonometry.
He survived there for thirty-eight years and it would be pleasing to report that he passed thisspan in happiness and adulation. In fact, he didn't. On the crossing from England, his twoyoung sons were placed in a cabin with the Reverend Nathaniel White, and somehow sosuccessfully traumatized the young vicar that he devoted much of the rest of his career topersecuting Norwood in any small way he could think of.