A candidate star must be ten to twenty times as massive as our own Sun and "we don't haveanything of the requisite size that's that close. The universe is a mercifully big place." Thenearest likely candidate he added, is Betelgeuse, whose various sputterings have for yearssuggested that something interestingly unstable is going on there. But Betelgeuse is fiftythousand light-years away.
Only half a dozen times in recorded history have supernovae been close enough to be visible tothe naked eye. One was a blast in 1054 that created the Crab Nebula. Another, in 1604, made astar bright enough to be seen during the day for over three weeks. The most recent was in1987, when a supernova flared in a zone of the cosmos known as the Large Magellanic Cloud,but that was only barely visible and only in the southern hemisphere—and it was acomfortably safe 169,000 light-years away.