One notion is that perhaps the singularity was therelic of an earlier, collapsed universe—that we'rejust one of an eternal cycle of expanding andcollapsing universes, like the bladder on an oxygenmachine. Others attribute the Big Bang to what they call "a false vacuum" or "a scalar field" or"vacuum energy"—some quality or thing, at any rate, that introduced a measure ofinstability into the nothingness that was. It seems impossible that you could get somethingfrom nothing, but the fact that once there was nothing and now there is a universe is evidentproof that you can.
It may be that our universe is merely part of many larger universes, some in differentdimensions, and that Big Bangs are going on all the time all over the place. Or it may be thatspace and time had some other forms altogether before the Big Bang—forms too alien for us toimagine—and that the Big Bang represents some sort of transition phase, where the universewent from a form we can't understand to one we almost can. “These are very close to religiousquestions,” Dr. Andrei Linde, a cosmologist at Stanford, told the New York Times in 2001.