Nevertheless, there were things in Bernard which hehated. This boasting, for example. And theoutbursts of an abject self-pity with which italternated. And his deplorable habit of being boldafter the event, and full, in absence, of the mostextraordinary presence of mind.
He hated these things–just because he liked Bernard.
The seconds passed. Helmholtz continued to stare at the floor.
And suddenly Bernard blushed and turned away.
3、The journey was quite uneventful.
The Blue Pacific Rocket was two and a half minutes early at New Orleans, lost four minutes in atornado over Texas, but flew into a favourable air current at Longitude 95 West, and was ableto land at Santa Fé less than forty seconds behind schedule time.
"Forty seconds on a six and a half hour flight. Not so bad," Lenina conceded.
They slept that night at Santa Fé. The hotel was excellent–incomparably better, for example,than that horrible Aurora Bora Palace in which Lenina had suffered so much the previoussummer.
Liquid air, television, vibro-vacuum massage, radio, boiling caffeine solution, hotcontraceptives,
and eight different kinds of scent were laid on in every bedroom. The synthetic music plantwas working as they entered the hall and left nothing to be desired.
A notice in the lift announced that there were sixty Escalator-Squash-Racket Courts in thehotel, and that Obstacle and Electro-magnetic Golf could both be played in the park.
"But it sounds simply too lovely," cried Lenina. "I almost wish we could stay here.
Sixty Escalator-Squash Courts …"
"There won't be any in the Reservation," Bernard warned her. "And no scent, no television, nohot water even. If you feel you can't stand it, stay here till I come back."
Lenina was quite offended. "Of course I can stand it.
I only said it was lovely here because … well, because progress is lovely, isn't it?"
"Five hundred repetitions once a week from thirteen to seventeen," said Bernard wearily, asthough to himself.
"What did you say?"
"I said that progress was lovely. That's why you mustn't come to the Reservation unless youreally want to."
"But I do want to."
"Very well, then," said Bernard; and it was almost a threat.
Their permit required the signature of the Warden of the Reservation, at whose office nextmorning they duly presented themselves.
An Epsilon-Plus negro porter took in Bernard's card, and they were admitted almostimrnediately.