October 19th,Journal,I just got the new iphone that has siri
10月19日 日記君 我剛剛買了有Siri功能的iphone4s
It's amazing.I can tell it to do anything and it does it
Siri真是太神奇了 只要動動嘴她就能幫我把任何事兒辦了
I just told it to text Portia,I love you and I can't wait to see you tonight.Auh,I know
我剛剛叫她發(fā)條短信給Portia 我愛你 等不及今晚要見你了 噢 是啊
October 20th,Journal.Remind me to be more specific
10月20日 日記君 記得提醒我以后跟Siri講話的時候要詳細一點
Siri texted the guy who sold me my porche,awkward.Not right
那個白癡把短信發(fā)給了我的保時捷銷售商 好尷尬 完全不對頭
October 28th,Journal.I have great news.Portia and I had a new niece name Perry
10月28日 日記君 又有好消息了哦 我和Portia又添了個侄女 叫Perry
She is so cute,she has tiny little hands and feet
她好可愛 有軟軟的小手和小腳丫
And all I can think when I held her was one day those are gonna be fingerprints all over my pretty glass table
當我抱著這個小肉團的時候 我唯一的想法就是 有一天她的小手小腳會在我漂亮的玻璃桌上印滿指紋的
January 14th,2012.Journal.I'm getting ready for a very exciting day of football
2012年1月14日 日記君 我已經(jīng)準備好了 讓橄欖球來得更猛烈些吧
The Saints are in the playoff for the Superbowl,I know they are gonna win
圣徒隊已經(jīng)進了超級碗的決賽了 我知道他們一定會贏的
I'm so sure I bet a whole lot of money on it.Ok jurunal.I'll write tomorrow when I'm rich
所以我在他們身上下了重注 好了 日記君 等我明天發(fā)達了再跟你嘮
January 15th,Journa.Ramen noddles aren't really that bad
1月15日 日記君 泡面真心沒那么難吃
February 1th,The first lady of the United States of Amercia is gonna be on my show tomorrow
2月1日 明天美國第一夫人就要上我的節(jié)目了
I am so excited,I don't think I'll sleep tonight,actually I am so excited it makes me wanna dance
我很激動 我激動得睡不著 我激動得想跳舞了