Esme started toward us. Emmett followed after a long look at Rosalie's back; Rosalie had risengracefully and strode off toward the field without a glance in our direction. My stomachquivered uneasily in response.
"Was that you we heard, Edward?" Esme asked as she approached.
"It sounded like a bear choking," Emmett clarified.
I smiled hesitantly at Esme. "That was him."
"Bella was being unintentionally funny," Edward explained, quickly settling the score.
Alice had left her position and was running, or dancing, toward us. She hurtled to a fluid stop atour feet. "It's time," she announced.
As soon as she spoke, a deep rumble of thunder shook the forest beyond us, and thencrashed westward toward town.
"Eerie, isn't it?" Emmett said with easy familiarity, winking at me.
"Let's go." Alice reached for Emmett's hand and they darted toward the oversized field; she ranlike a gazelle. He was nearly as graceful and just as fast — yet Emmett could never becompared to a gazelle.
"Are you ready for some ball?" Edward asked, his eyes eager, bright.
I tried to sound appropriately enthusiastic. "Go team!"
He snickered and, after mussing my hair, bounded off after the other two. His run was moreaggressive, a cheetah rather than a gazelle, and he quickly overtook them. The grace andpower took my breath away.