Edward pulled me toward the far left side, standing me in front of a small square oil painting in aplain wooden frame. This one did not stand out among the bigger and brighter pieces; paintedin varying tones of sepia, it depicted a miniature city full of steeply slanted roofs, with thinspires atop a few scattered towers. A wide river filled the foreground, crossed by a bridgecovered with structures that looked like tiny cathedrals.
"London in the sixteen-fifties," Edward said.
"The London of my youth," Carlisle added, from a few feet behind us. I flinched; I hadn't heardhim approach. Edward squeezed my hand.
"Will you tell the story?" Edward asked. I twisted a little to see Carlisle's reaction.
He met my glance and smiled. "I would," he replied. "But I'm actually running a bit late. Thehospital called this morning — Dr. Snow is taking a sick day. Besides, you know the stories aswell as I do," he added, grinning at Edward now.
It was a strange combination to absorb — the everyday concerns of the town doctor stuck inthe middle of a discussion of his early days in seventeenth-century London.