He laughed. "I suppose I'm not surprised."Something over my shoulder seemed to catch hisattention.
"Jessica's analyzing everything I do — she'll break it down for you later." He pushed the rest ofthe pizza toward me. The mention of Jessica brought a hint of his former irritation back to hisfeatures.
I put down the apple and took a bite of the pizza, looking away, knowing he was about to start.
"So the waitress was pretty, was she?" he asked casually.
"You really didn't notice?"
"No. I wasn't paying attention. I had a lot on my mind."
"Poor girl." I could afford to be generous now.
"Something you said to Jessica… well, it bothers me." He refused to be distracted. His voice washusky, and he glanced up from under his lashes with troubled eyes.
"I'm not surprised you heard something you didn't like. You know what they say abouteavesdropners," I reminded him.
"I warned you I would be listening."
"And I warned you that you didn't want to know everything I was thinking."
"You did," he agreed, but his voice was still rough. "You aren't precisely right, though. I dowant to know what you're thinking — everything. I just wish… that you wouldn't be thinkingsome things."
I scowled. "That's quite a distinction."
"But that's not really the point at the moment."
"Then what is?" We were inclined toward each other across the table now. He had his largewhite hands folded under his chin; I leaned forward, my right hand cupped around my neck. Ihad to remind myself that we were in a crowded lunchroom, with probably many curious eyeson us.