In the second version of the draft, personal information included an individual's name, birthdate, identity card number, fingerprints, home address and phone number.
Email addresses and information about a person's whereabouts will be considered personal information under the latest draft section on personal rights in the civil code.
三審稿還明確“個人信息的處理”包括“個人信息的使用、加工、傳輸、提供、公開等(use, processing, transmission, supply and disclosure of personal information)”。
對于何為人格權以及隱私的定義(definitions of personality rights and privacy),草案三審稿進一步明確并完善,規(guī)定:
人格權(personality rights)是民事主體享有的生命權、身體權、健康權、姓名權、名稱權、肖像權、名譽權、隱私權(rights of one's life, human body, health, name,identity, image, reputation and privacy)等權利。
將隱私的定義修改為“自然人不愿為他人知曉的私密空間、私密活動和私密信息等(the private space, activity or information that a person does not want others to know)”,并增加規(guī)定:任何組織或者個人不得搜查、進入、窺視、拍攝他人的賓館房間等私密空間(no organization or individual could search, enter, peer into or shoot others' private space, such as hotel rooms)。
隱私政策 privacy policy
信息安全 information security
信息泄露 information leak
社會信用體系 social credit system
個人信用數據庫 personal credit database