The country's young people born between 1990 and 1999 began to manage their money at 23 years old on average, about 10 years earlier than their parents, according to the report.
The digital credit platform Huabei is also a popular service among the younger generation as they know how to make the most out of the credit service while avoiding overspending, the report showed.
“90后”出生的時候,互聯網已經較為普遍,所以這一代人被稱為“數字原住民”(digital natives)。
There's a whole generation of individuals for whom concepts such as the internet and wireless technology are just humdrum, because they've never lived in a world where they didn't exist. These are the so-called digital natives.
調研顯示,90%的“90后”使用花唄并非因為想要提前消費,而是因為希望“省錢”(save money)和“占便宜”(make the most of the service)。大量“90后”在調研中表示“自己先用花唄額度消費,把錢先存起來,這樣可以多賺一個月的收益”。
對比他們的余額寶和花唄發(fā)現,“90后”每月在余額寶攢的錢,平均是其花唄賬單的4.5倍(the money they put in Yu'ebao is 4.5 times as much as they pay through Huabei)。
The younger generation, growing amid rapid internet developments and abundant applications, are independent and smart with their money.
理財 wealth management
互聯網金融服務 online financial services
不合理消費 unreasonable consumption
量入為出 live within their means