Passengers rush to catch trains at Nanjing Railway Station on Oct 6, 2018. [Photo/VCG]
The regulation says all high-speed train passengers will be required to take their seats according to their seat numbers, and railway staff and train police will have the right to fine and punish those who refuse to vacate other people's seats.
該條例明確規(guī)定,無有效車票、車票所記載身份信息與本人真實身份信息不符的(passengers with invalid tickets or whose tickets do not match their identities),鐵路運輸企業(yè)有權(quán)拒絕其進站乘車。旅客應當按照車票載明的座位乘車,不得強占他人座位(take other's seat)。
條例還規(guī)定,鐵路運輸企業(yè)應當按照規(guī)定建立健全鐵路旅客信用信息管理制度(credit information management system),對擾亂鐵路站車運輸秩序且危及鐵路安全、造成嚴重社會不良影響,以及嚴重違反鐵路運輸企業(yè)安全管理規(guī)章制度的失信行為進行記錄(keep a record of behaviors that may disturb railway transportation order and safety, have negative impact and seriously violate railway safety rules and regulations),并按照規(guī)定推送全國和地方信用信息共享平臺(publish on national and regional credit information sharing platform)。有關(guān)部門和鐵路運輸企業(yè)應當依法對失信行為實施聯(lián)合懲戒。
最直白的表達就是,A takes/occupies B's seat and refuses to leave.也有英文媒體用A steals B's seat來表示。而發(fā)出這個行為的人,即“坐霸”在《南華早報》的報道中則被稱為seat robber。
餐車 food trolley
餐車車廂 dining carriage
行李架 baggage storage
坐席 seat
臥鋪 sleeper
商務座席 business seat
一等座 first class seat
二等座 second class seat