Wrong, argues Georgetown University computer-science professor Cal Newport’s new book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. In the book, excerpted recently on Wharton’s website, Newport attempts to understand how workers can rise above their infomania. His trick: deep work to conquer attention residue.
Cal Newport是喬治城大學的計算機科學教授,他最近出版了一本新書《深度工作:干擾世界里的專注成功法則》。Newport希望理解員工如何才能克服自身的資訊癖,而他提出的竅門就是:用深度工作來征服“注意殘渣”。
Which means … what, exactly? Newport explains it using a 2009 paper titled “Why Is It So Hard to Do My Work?” from Sophie Leroy, a business-school professor at the University of Minnesota. She studied a modern, daily workplace conundrum: switching between tasks and getting things done. In two experiments, Leroy finds that people are less productive when they are constantly moving from one task to another instead of focusing on one thing at a time. As Leroy’s abstract details:
這到底是什么意思?Newport用2009年的一篇論文《為何做自己的工作如此困難?》對此進行解釋。該論文的作者是明尼蘇達大學商學院教授Sophie Leroy,她探究了一種現代日常工作難題,即任務轉換和任務完成。她進行了兩個實驗,結果發(fā)現相較于一次只專注于一個任務而言,不斷地在任務之間轉移會降低人們的效率。
[P]eople need to stop thinking about one task in order to fully transition their attention and perform well on another. Yet, results indicate it is difficult for people to transition their attention away from an unfinished task and their subsequent task performance suffers.
Leroy calls this carryover from one task to another “attention residue,” where you’re still thinking of a previous task as you start another one. Even if you finish your task completely, you still have some attention residue swirling around your head as you embark on your next task, meaning that bullet point on your to-do list doesn’t start off on the right foot. In other words, as much as multitasking gets nods for being an asset in today’s time-crunched world, it’s not really a good thing when it comes to your productivity, and it’s actually a time-waster.
Here’s where what Newport calls “deep work” comes in: He suggests focusing on a single, intense task for a long period of time to reach peak productivity. You don’t get attention-residue issues, which means your output is stronger, cleaner, and just plain better from a lack of distractions. So if you’ve got ten emails to write, block off some time to just focus on those emails. If you’ve got a presentation due tomorrow, put your away message on, sequester yourself, and focus on banging out that presentation. Most important: Don’t stop — or begin something else — until you’re completely done.