B: 歡迎大家來到美語訓練班!I'm Donny.
A: 大家好!我是楊琳! Donny, 有聽眾問咱們這個“美語訓練班”節(jié)目的英文名是什么,人家都猜是English training class.
B: 其實我們的英文名是American English Mosaic. M-o-s-a-i-c, mosaic, 就是"馬賽克"。
A: 沒錯! 美語訓練班把美國之音的美語教學節(jié)目匯集到一起,就跟馬賽克一樣,拼貼雜燴,內(nèi)容豐富。
B: Exactly! So what are we going to teach today?
A:今天,我們要去看棒球比賽, 和朋友聊聊大學里的社團生活和打工經(jīng)歷,出點份子錢,幫同事過生日, 還要告訴大家怎么用美語說“拗口”和“不擇手段”。
B: But first, let's just take a small piece from the whole mosaic.
A: 對,咱們先花一分鐘,學一個詞!
Learn A Word : obesity
今天我們要學的詞是obesity, obesity is spelled o-b-e-s-i-t-y, obesity. Obesity肥胖癥。A new study finds that comparing to the reduction of food intake, food choices are more important in tackling obesity. 一項新的研究顯示,與減少食物攝入量相比,食物的選擇在改變肥胖癥情況上更為重要。Not getting adequate amounts of sleep is a significant risk factor for obesity. 睡眠不足是導致肥胖癥的危險因素之一。First Lady Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign aims at making children exercise more and eat better. 美國第一夫人米歇爾.奧巴馬的反肥胖癥運動鼓勵孩子們增加運動,改善飲食。好的,今天我們學習的詞是obesity, obesity, obesity.
A: Obesity,肥胖癥. But how fat is too fat? 要到多胖才算是肥胖癥呢?
B: One way to determine if you're obese is to have a doctor measure your BMI, or body mass index.
A: 計算身體質(zhì)量指數(shù)?可是我覺得這個指數(shù)定得太寬松了! 就拿我來說吧,我BMI在正常范圍,可我覺得自己特胖,一點都不苗條!
B: ???You don't look fat at all!
A: 是嘛?我可沒信心。
B: Some women just feel like they can never be thin enough.
A: Seriously! I'd do anything to lose 10 pounds!
B: Anything? 那好吧,來聽下面的words and idioms,看看怎么形容你這種心態(tài)。
Words and Idioms: beg borrow or steal
各位聽眾,現(xiàn)在播送<美國習慣用語>第 937講。我是楊琳。
我是 Douglas Johnson.
M: Beg, borrow, or steal. Beg is spelled b-e-g, borrow; b-o-r-r-o-w, and steal; s-t-e-a-l. Beg,-borrow,-or-steal.
beg是“求”,borrow是“借”,steal則是“偷”,beg, borrow or steal字面的意思是“祈求,借用或者偷”,其實就是指“不擇手段,用一切方法”。我女兒非要去看演唱會,She'd beg, borrow or steal to get a ticket. 不論用什么方法,她非得搞到一張票不可。
"Many people would do anything for a good night's sleep. But they don't have to BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL to get it. They need to keep a regular sleeping schedule, make sure the bedroom is dark, quiet and cool, and avoid alcohol and caffeine at night. That's how they'll be able to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed."
"Many people would do anything for a good night's sleep. But they don't have to BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL to get it. They need to keep a regular sleeping schedule, make sure the bedroom is dark, quiet and cool, and avoid alcohol and caffeine at night. That's how they'll be able to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed."
Beg, borrow or steal這個習慣用語也可以說成 beg, borrow and steal, 意思是一樣的。在節(jié)目開始時,我談到女兒迷戀搖滾樂隊,不過,同下面這段話中提到的樂隊相比,我女兒的偶像只能是后生晚輩了。我們來聽一聽:
I can't believe the Rolling Stones concert is already sold out. All I want is two tickets. I don't care where the seats are. And I'm willing to travel wherever I have to. This may be their last tour ever. That's why I'm prepared to BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL to see them perform."
看來歌迷的心情都是一樣的! 不過,Rolling Stones 滾石樂隊的告別演唱會的確是意義非凡。這個搖滾樂團60年代出道,叱詫數(shù)十年屹立不倒,已經(jīng)是重量級的流行文化符號了! 好,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
"I can't believe the Rolling Stones concert is already sold out. All I want is two tickets. I don't care where the seats are. And I'm willing to travel wherever I have to. This may be their last tour ever. That's why I'm prepared to BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL to see them perform."
各位聽眾,今天我們學習的習慣用語是beg borrow or steal,意思是“不擇手段,用盡各種辦法”。
A: Beg, borrow or steal! 真是說出了我減肥的心聲! I would beg, borrow or steal to fit in my bikinis! 不管怎樣我都要減肥成功,好去穿比基尼! 我要做骨感美女!
B: 好了! 這是美語訓練班,不是美女訓練班。
A: 哈哈,Donny, 美語和美女你說起來不拗口嘛?
B: Of course not, I'm a trained professional.
A: 你還真不謙虛! 不過,既然說到“拗口”,咱們就來聽聽這個詞用美語怎么說。
How to say it: tongue twister
DONNY 在北京學漢語,他的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎么說的詞,就會來請教他。今天是吳瓊要問的:拗口。
DONNY: 吳瓊,What's up?
WQ: 我表姐要生寶寶了,發(fā)動全家給孩子起名兒呢,這不,我翻翻字典,找點靈感。
DONNY: Interesting! 我也來出主意!
WQ: 孩子姓唐,你說叫什么好?
DONNY: 唐?嗯....唐--老--鴨。
WQ: ???!
DONNY: Haha! I'm sorry, Wu Qiong. I know this is a terrible name, but when you mentioned the word "唐”, the name rolled right off my tongue.
WQ: Rolled right off your tongue? 從舌頭上滾下來?我明白了,就是順口,脫口而出。你一聽到“唐”字,順口就說出了唐老鴨。 那...如果不順口,也就是拗口,該怎么說呢?
DONNY: You can say it's a tongue twister. Tongue is spelled t-o-n-g-u-e, and twister, t-w-i-s-t-e-r.
WQ: 哦,tongue twister, 就是說起來拗口的東西! This name is a tongue twister 這個名字真難念。
DONNY: 沒錯! Wu Qiong, you know the luxury car brand "Mercedes-Benz", do you?
WQ: Mercedes-Benz? 就是奔馳嘛!
DONNY: Right. The Chinese translation 奔馳 rolls right off the tongue. However, if we call the brand 梅賽德斯·本茲, to me , that's a tongue twister! It's like I'm tripping over my own tongue when I try to say it.
WQ: Trip over your own tongue? 我知道 t-r-i-p, trip 是摔倒的意思,所以 trip over one's own tongue 就是打磕巴,吃螺絲吧?
DONNY: Absolutely!
WQ: DONNY, We need to find a good name for this baby. We don't want people to trip over their own tongues when they say the baby's name!
DONNY: Of course, but first let's see what you've learned today!
WQ: 第一,順口叫 to roll right off the tongue
第二,拗口的東西則是 a tongue twister
第三,打磕巴,吃螺絲,叫 to trip over one's own tongue
A: Donny, 快展示一下你的中文水平,給大家來段兒tongue twister, 繞口令!
B: 四是四,十是十,四十是四十,十四是十四,別把十四當四十,也別把四十當十四,誰能說一說,請來試一試。
A: 夠溜的!
B: 你也來一個?A tongue twister in English!
A: 這有何難?你聽好了!How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? And how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
B: Awesome!
A: 還可以吧! 大學時口語課上學的。
B: I bet you were a good student back in college.
A: 那當然。我是拿全額獎學金的! 我可是大學里的風云人物。
B: 那咱們就聽聽大學生活吧,Let's listen to“美語三級跳”。
GoEnglish: College─Intermediate
Winnie: Eric 和 Patty 是大學同學,倆人正在聊校園生活。
Professor: Eric wants to find out what clubs Patty is in. In this section, listen for the word "a cappella," which means singing without any instruments.
Eric: So Patty, tell me about what kind of clubs you like to do.
Patty: Well, I've always loved singing, but it's pretty hard to get into the singing clubs.
Eric: I know, they can be pretty competitive. But if they don't accept you, you should start an a cappella group! I'm sure lots of people would want to join.
Patty: Do you think it's hard to start a club?
Eric: I don't think it's very hard. You should talk to the student life officials. I think you just have to find a professor to sponsor you.
Patty: That's all? That's really easy. I think I'll do that.
Winnie: Patty 喜歡唱歌,但是要進學校合唱團很難。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. So what does Eric suggest that she do?
Winnie: Eric 建議她自己組織一個"A-cappella" club,也就是不用樂器伴奏,全靠清唱的阿卡貝拉合唱團。Professor Bowman,阿卡貝拉合唱團在美國大學里受歡迎么?
Professor: Yes, they're very popular. Now we're going to learn about what Eric does in his free time. Listen for the word "cramming," which means to study really hard.
Patty: What about you, Eric? What kind of clubs and activities do you do outside of class?
Eric: Personally, I don't have time for clubs.
Patty: Why not? Do you have to do a lot of cramming for the three English classes you take?
Eric: Actually, I'm not busy because I have to spend lots of time cramming. I'm busy because I have a part-time job.
Winnie: 啊?我原來還覺得,Eric只選三門英文課是因為他偷懶呢,原來他是因為要兼職打工才沒這么多時間的。
Professor: In America, lots of students have part-time jobs to help pay for college.
Winnie: 學生打工都干些什么呢?
Professor: Some students work on campus in places like the library. Others work off campus as waiters at restaurants.
Winnie: 不知道Eric打的是什么工?
Patty: What do you do for your part-time job?
Eric: I work at a restaurant bartending and serving food.
Patty: Oh cool! How do you like it?
Eric: I love it because all my hours are at night, so I can save my days for class and studying.
Patty: That's very convenient. Do you make a lot of money?
Eric: Yeah, the tips are great and I meet a lot of fun people.
Winnie: Eric晚上在酒吧調(diào)酒?哇,太酷了~~
Professor: Yes, but he must be very tired going to school all day and working all night. Did you hear how Eric is paid at the restaurant?
Winnie: 他說,他在酒吧掙很多tips--小費。
Professor: Exactly. Now let's find out if Patty has a job.
Eric: What about you? Do you have a part-time job?
Patty: No, I got a scholarship, so I don't have to worry about working.
Eric: That's great. Does your scholarship pay for everything, including classes, housing and food?
Patty: That's right, thanks to my good grades in high school I got a full ride.
Winnie: Patty真厲害,有scholarship獎學金,所以不用打工賺學費。Professor Bowman, 什么叫"full ride"呢?
Professor: Some scholarships only pay for part of college. But if your scholarship pays for everything, you can say it's a "full ride" scholarship.
Winnie: 哦,full ride就是全額獎學金,學雜費和生活費全包!Patty一定特別優(yōu)秀。
Professor: Yes, she said she got good grades in high school.
Eric: Wow, I wish I had studied harder in high school so that I got a scholarship.
Patty: Well, there is one big problem. Since the scholarship pays for my meals, I have to eat the food in the dorms.
Eric: Oh right! The cafeteria food is terrible. But whenever you want a good meal, come to the restaurant I work at and you can eat for free.
Patty: Believe me, that is an offer that I will not refuse.
Winnie: Patty和Eric都覺得學校食堂cafeteria的飯菜不好吃。 Professor Bowman, 在美國大學住學生宿舍好不好玩?
Professor: Let's tune in next time to find out.
A: 原來Patty和我一樣,She got a full ride, 拿到了全額獎學金。
B: Well, I'm more like Eric. I had some part-time jobs in college, including bartending.
A: 你大學時也在酒吧打過工?That sounds so cool!
B: I also started my own club!
A: 你自己成立了社團?是什么?
B: 就是練習中文,說繞口令的社團啊。
A: ???聽起來好像相聲社,真有意思!好啦,大學生活聊起來就沒完了,咱們還是進入下一個單元--“禮節(jié)美語”吧,今天講的是:湊份子。
Business Etiquette: Birthday Bucks I Sarah 轉(zhuǎn)到新部門工作不久,在去吃午飯的路上遇到原來的同事 Amanda.
S: Hi Amanda, how are you? I've missed working with you and the whole gang since my transfer last week.
A: We've missed you too. The office just isn't the same without you. How is your new job?
S: It's great. I really get to focus on what I like to do and everyone has been very nice and welcoming. However, I'm having a small problem with my new colleagues.
A: What happened?
MC: Sarah告訴Amanda她很想念原來的同事,I missed working with you and the gang. 大家都知道,Gang 有團伙的意思,在這里指常聚在一起的一群人。 Amanda 也說,The office just isn't the same without you. Sarah走了,辦公室好像就不一樣了。雖然Sarah很喜歡她新的工作, 但是在跟新同事相處時卻遇到了一些小麻煩,我們繼續(xù)聽。
S: Well, three people are celebrating their birthdays this month and the policy here is for everyone to contribute ten dollars to a card and cake for each person.
A: Wow, so you'll be out thirty dollars on your first week at work!
S: I know. It is a lot of money and I haven't gotten to know any of the people celebrating their birthdays well enough yet. At our old department, it was only three dollars for each birthday and there were only ten of us.
MC: 原來,這個月有三個新同事過生日,Sarah 不得不跟著一起湊份子,買卡片和蛋糕為同事慶祝。They want her to contribute to the card and cake. Contribute is spelled c-o-n-t-r-i-b-u-t-e, contribute 是貢獻的意思。這樣一來,She will be out thirty dollars. 一下要出三十塊。Sarah 跟這些同事還不熟,所以覺得有點虧。Amanda 安慰她說,
A: Well, every department is different. You wouldn't want your new co-workers to think you're a Grinch, right?
S: What is that? It doesn't sound like a good thing to be.
A: A Grinch is a person who spoils the mood at a happy occasion by being selfish or unenthusiastic. You know -- a party pooper.
S: I definitely don't want to be that! But, I still think it's unreasonable for them to ask me for such a big sum of money when we don't know each other very well. What should I do?
MC: Amanda 警告Sarah,如果她不出份子錢的話,同事會認為她是 Grinch, Grinch is spelled g-r-i-n-c-h, grinch 專門用來形容自私,而且沒有情趣的人。Sarah當然不想讓新同事覺得她是個敗興的人,a party pooper, 可她還是很不甘心,覺得新同事的要求不合理 unreasonable. reasonable 是有道理的,前面加上 un, unreasonable 就變成了沒有道理的。這筆份子錢,Sarah最后會出嗎?我們下次繼續(xù)聽。
A: 唉! 湊份子的事真的很難掌握。出錢吧,有點舍不得,不出吧,You don't want people to think you're a Grinch. 又不想讓別人覺得自己小氣,不合群。
B: Yeah. I know what you mean! When I was in China, I got invited to several weddings. I always had a until I learned that all the guests had to contribute a 紅包 to the new couple.
A: 是啊! 結(jié)婚湊份子可比辦公室?guī)腿诉^生日的錢多多了!
B: Okay, let's stop complaining and listen to something fun and relaxed.
A: 那就是“體育美語”嘍!
American sports English: Seventh inning stretch
YC: Gosh, Patrick, this baseball game is taking forever.
PW: Well, Yang Chen, a baseball game is nine innings long.
YC: 一場棒球賽有9個 innings 9局。
PW: Oh--It's the seventh inning already? All right! You get to experience the famous "seventh inning stretch," Yang Chen.
YC: Yayyyyyy. Patrick, What exactly is the "seventh inning stretch"?
PW: It is a baseball tradition! Because baseball is such a long game, during the seventh inning everyone stands up and stretches their legs and sings a song.
YC: 如果碰上兩個爛隊,到第7局大概觀眾都要睡著了。所以要來個"seventh inning stretch",舒展一下身體,活動活動筋骨。Let's stretch our legs,
YC: Oh, I've heard the song before─帶我去看棒球賽!
PW: That's right─Take me out to the Ball Game. Stand up and sing it with me, Yang Chen!
YC/PW: Take me out to the Ball Game, Take me out to the Crowd; Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I never get back! Let's root, root, root for the home team, if they don't win it's a shame, for its one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game!
PW: There! Don't you feel better now, after the seventh inning stretch? I'm going to the snack bar. So would you like peanuts? Cracker Jacks?
Y: No. Just get me a beer.
B: Take me out to the Ball Game, Take me out to the Crowd; Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I never get back!
A: 唱得不錯啊 Donny! 不過看棒球這么放松的事,還需要休息?。磕俏覀冎鞒止?jié)目這么辛苦,更應(yīng)該take a stretch!
B: Yeah! Let's do it!
A: 好了,今天的節(jié)目就到這里。節(jié)目的撰稿人是曉北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!