This part of my life... 這個人生階段
...this little part... 這小小的階段是 called "Happiness." “當幸福來敲門”
Christopher. Christopher. Come here. 小克,過來,過來
So how many... 太陽系
...planets are there? 有幾顆行星?
- Seven. - Seven? -七顆-七顆?
Nine. 九顆啦
Who’s the king of the jungle? 森林之王是什么動物?
- Gorilla. - The gorilla? -大猩猩-大猩猩?
The gorilla? 大猩猩?
No. Lion. 不對,是獅子
Oh, yeah. Lion, lion, lion. 對,是獅子
Hey, Dad, listen to this. Knock, knock. 我說一個冷笑話,敲敲門
- Who’s there? - Shelby. -哪位?-雪碧
Shelby who? 哪位雪碧?
Shelby coming around the mountain When she comes 你喝了就知道
- Knock knock. - Who’s there? -敲敲門-哪位?
- Nobody. - Nobody who? -沒人-誰是沒人?
Nobody who? 哪個沒人?
Now, that’s funny. I like that one. 很好笑,我喜歡