羅伯特.本奇利(Robert Benchley,1889—1945),散文作家、幽默作家、著名演員,《生活》(Life)和《紐約客》(The New Yorker)雜志戲劇評論家。
本奇利1912年畢業(yè)于哈佛大學。他經常把自己生活中的挫折拿出來大書特書。其作品包括《所有的事》(Of All Things)、《我不知所措的十年》(My Ten Years in a Quandary)等,大多嘲諷了中產階級生活的可惡之事。他還制作并主演過多部喜劇短片,其中短片《如何入睡》(How to Sleep)曾獲奧斯卡獎。
本文最初發(fā)表于1934年9月的《版本記錄》(The Colophon),后收入1947年威廉.塔哥(William Targ)編撰的《愛書人的歡宴》(Carrousel for Bibliophiles)。作者不乏自嘲地發(fā)問“我比海明威年紀大,作品也比他多得多。......為啥就沒人關注呢?”文中充滿了反話和雙關語,滑稽逗趣的文字令人捧腹。
Some months ago, while going through an old box of books looking for a pressed nasturtium, I came across a thin volume which, even to my dreamer’s instinct, seemed worth holding out, if only for purposes of prestige.
It was a first edition of Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time, the edition brought out in Paris by the Three Mountains Press in 1924, while Hemingway was just “Old Ernie” who lived over the sawmill in the rue Notre Dames des Champs. I knew that it must be worth saving, because it said in the front that the edition consisted of one hundred and seventy copies, of which mine was number thirty-nine. That usually means something.
It so happened that, a few weeks later, “Old Ernie” himself was using my room in New York as a hide-out from literary columnists and reporters during one of his stop-over visits between Africa and Key West. On such all-too-rare occasions he lends an air of virility to my dainty apartment which I miss sorely after he has gone and the furniture has been repaired.
More to interrupt his lion-hunting story than anything else, I brought out my copy of In Our Time and suggested that, in memory of happy days around the Anis Del Oso bowl at the Closerie des Lilas, it might be the handsome thing for him to inscribe a few pally sentiments on the fly-leaf. Not, as I took pains to explain to him, that I was a particular admirer of his work, so much as that I wanted to see if he really knew how to spell.
Encouraged by my obviously friendly tone, he took a pen in his chubby fist, dipped it in a bottle of bull’s blood, and wrote the following:
To Robert (“Garbage Bird”) Benchley,
hoping that he won’t wait for prices
to reach the peak—
from his friend,
Ernest (“—”) Hemingway
The “Garbage Bird” reference in connection with me was a familiarity he had taken in the past to describe my appearance in the early morning light of Montparnasse on certain occasions. The epithet applied to himself, which was unprintable except in Ulysses, was written deliberately to make it impossible for me to cash in on the book.
Then, crazed with success at defacing In Our Time, he took my first edition of A Farewell to Arms and filled in each blank in the text where Scribner’s had blushed and put a dash instead of the original word. I think that he supplied the original word in every case. In fact, I am sure of it.
On the fly-leaf of this he wrote:
To R. (G). B. from E. (—). H.
Corrected edition. Filled-in blanks.
Very valuable. Sell quick.
E. (——). H. 致 R. (G). B.[5]
Now, oddly enough, I had never considered selling either book. I had known, in a general way, that a first edition of The Gutenberg Bible would be worth money, and that, if one could lay hands on an autographed copy of Canterbury Tales, it would be a good idea to tuck it away, but that a first edition of one of Ernie’s books could be the object of even Rabelaisian jesting as to its commercial value surprised and, in a vague sort of way, depressed me. Why are not my works matters for competitive bidding in the open market?
I am older than Hemingway, and have written more books than he has. And yet it is as much as my publishers and I can do to get people to pay even the list price for my books, to say nothing of a supplementary sum for rare copies. One of my works, Love Conquers All, is even out of print, and yet nobody shows any interest in my extra copy. I have even found autographed copies of my books in secondhand book shops, along with My Life and Times by Buffalo Bill. Doesn’t anybody care?
What is there about me and my work that repels collectors? I am handsome, in an unusual sort of way, and speak French fluently, even interspersing some of my writings with French phrases. True, some of my copy, as it goes to the printer, is not strictly orthodox in spelling and punctuation, but the proof-readers have always been very nice about it, and, by the time my books are out, there is nothing offensive to the eye about them. And yet I have been told by hospital authorities that more copies of my works are left behind by departing patients than those of any other author. It does seem as if people might at least take my books home with them.
But, until the collecting public comes to its senses, I seem to be saddled, not only with a set of mutilated galleys, but about twenty-five rare copies of my earlier works, each unique in its way. Possibly Hemingway would like them in return for the two books of his own that he has gone to so much trouble to render unsalable for me.
Robert Benchley 羅伯特?本奇利
[1] 基維斯特(Key West),美國佛羅里達群島最南邊的一個島嶼和城市,是著名的旅游勝地。海明威的許多作品都在這里寫成。
[2] “獵獅故事”指《非洲的青山》。1933年,海明威偕妻子和朋友去非洲狩獵,回來后便寫了這部紀實作品。
[3] 牛血紅酒,匈牙利埃格爾出產的著名紅酒。
[4] 《永別了,武器》,海明威的代表作。
[5] R. (G). B.為羅伯特.“廢鳥”.本奇利 [Robert (“Garbage Bird”) Benchley]的縮寫,E. (——). H.為歐內斯特.“——”.海明威 [Ernest (“—”) Hemingway]的縮寫。