Turns out, one simple idea and a group of enthusiastic people can transform the whole town and turn it into a beautiful piece of art. That sort of what's happened with the neighborhood of Schaerbeek which is located in the city of Brussels. It all started a few months ago when a Belgian artist named Ingrid Schreyers decided to decorate the sidewalk in front of her house with a mosaic. After seeing it, many locals fell in love with this idea and wanted to get their own personalized artworks installed in front of their houses. The government of Schaerbeek took the matters into their own hands and now they are installing personalized mosaics in the neighborhood free of charge. People are choosing all kinds of mosaics, though most of them seem to be decorating streets with portraits of their cats!
Bored Panda invites you to look through some of the cutest mosaics gracing the streets of Schaerbeek neigborhood.
Bored Panda網(wǎng)站邀請您來欣賞一些裝飾斯卡爾貝克街區(qū)街道的最可愛的拼花圖樣。
圖片來源:Whitney Orville
More info: whitneyorville.daportfolio.com | Instagram