Boosting the number of grocery stores in a city could help cut down on food waste and mitigate the harmful effects of climate change, a new study suggests — all while reducing households’ grocery expenses.
The study, published in the journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, developed a model using US Census Bureau, grocery industry and academic study data. Author Elena Belavina, an associate professor at Cornell University’s S.C. Johnson College of Business, found that increasing grocery-store density reduces consumer waste by improving grocery access.
這項研究發(fā)表在《制造與服務運營管理》(Manufacturing&Service Operations Management)雜志上,利用美國人口普查局(US Census Bureau)、食品雜貨業(yè)和學術研究數(shù)據(jù)開發(fā)了一個模型。作者、康奈爾大學約翰遜商學院(Cornell University's.C.Johnson College of Business)副教授埃琳娜·貝拉維娜(Elena Belavina)發(fā)現(xiàn),增加雜貨店密度可以通過改善雜貨店的準入減少消費者的浪費。
When grocery stores are more abundant, they’re closer to you and you end up visiting the store more frequently, Belavina said in a video explaining her research — “and as a result, you buy less.” “Very small increases in store density can have a very high impact,” she said.
In Chicago, for example, three to four additional stores per 10 square kilometers could produce a 6 percent to 9 percent decrease in food waste, the study found. It could also result in a 1 percent to 4 percent drop in household grocery expenses due to factors like lower waste, prices and travel. This food-waste decrease “would be equivalent to converting over 20,000 cars from fossil fuel to electric power-trains,” Belavina estimated.
“It’s a big win for the environment,” she said, “and a big win for consumers.”
Around a third of food produced globally is wasted or lost, concluded a report last year by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Up to 40 percent of food in the US goes uneaten, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, which cites research estimating that food waste fuels at least 2.6 percent of the country’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.
政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)去年的一份報告指出,全球生產的食品中約有三分之一被浪費或丟失。根據(jù)美國自然資源保護委員會(Natural Resources Defense Council)的數(shù)據(jù),美國多達40%的食物沒有被食用。該委員會援引的研究估計,食物垃圾燃料至少占美國每年溫室氣體排放的2.6%。
Reducing food waste and loss “would bring a range of benefits for health, reducing pressures on land, water and nutrients, lowering emissions and safeguarding food security,” the IPCC report said. “Reducing food waste by 50 percent would generate net emissions reductions in the range of 20 to 30 percent of total food-sourced [greenhouse gases].”
Greater store density reduced food waste up to a certain threshold, after which a greater number of grocery stores resulted in higher food waste, the study found. But most American cities’ grocery-store density sits “well below” the optimal level, Belavina wrote, meaning that “modest increases in-store density substantially reduce waste” in most cities — including Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles.
In places like Manhattan, meanwhile, the impact was less noticeable because its grocery-store density was close to being optimal, the study found.