Hello, I’m Ren, the 20-something-year-old American comic artist behind kampingchicken! Born, raised, and residing in the Pacific Northwest, I’m best known for my terrible sense of direction, a slight obsession with pineapples, and binging shows on Netflix. Of course, when I’m not utilizing those skills, I spend my time drawing. My comics, like their name, are often unusual, a pretty good mix between amusing slice of life encounters and the weird.
大家好,我是Ren, 20多歲的美國漫畫家,我的作品是《奮斗的雞》!我出生,成長,居住在太平洋西北部,我最出名的是我糟糕的方向感,對菠蘿的輕微癡迷,以及在Netflix上觀看表演。當然,當我不使用這些技能時,我就會花時間畫畫。我的漫畫,就像它們的名字一樣,通常都是不尋常的,是生活中有趣的片段和怪異的事情的完美結合。
Drawing has always been my creative outlet, and paired with a love for storytelling, comics quickly became an ideal way to express myself. In 2017 I showed some comics I’d scrawled out in a notebook to a friend while we were camping, and surprised by how much he enjoyed them, I began sharing with friends and family, and then took to the internet. Whenever I can get people to smile, laugh, or relate with my work, my heart is warm. I make art for love, kindness, and the weird things in life.
More info: Instagram