Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 who had nohistory of heart disease.
They were given regular surveys, which included thequestion: 'how often do you eat breakfast?'
Most (59 percent) ate breakfast every day, but 5.1 percent never did, 10.9 percent rarely did, and 25 percent would skip a few days.
The team found a clear link between breakfast habits and heart disease risk.
Those who didn't eat in the morning were up to 87 percent more likely to develop heart woes.
'Breakfast is believed to be an important meal of the day, whereas there has been an increasingprevalence of skipping breakfast over the past 50 years in the United States, with as many as23.8 percent of young people skipping breakfast every day,' the authors write.
'However, studies on the health effects of skipping breakfast are sparse.'
To their knowledge, this is the first retrospective study to look at breakfast habits andcardiovascular mortality.
The team pointed to a few factors which could underlie this connection.
First, those who don't eat breakfast may be more likely to snack unhealthily.
Second, breakfast may help to balance blood sugar levels and control blood pressure.
The findings, published on the American College of Cardiology, come days after a similar studyshowed people who skip breakfast and eat a late dinner are less likely to survive a heartattack.
Skipping breakfast has long been espoused by celebrities as a diet trick. Joanna Lumley sayscutting out breakfast has helped her stay slim in older age. Recently, Twitter CEO Jack Dorseysaid he never eats breakfast, only dinner - and that he skips all food altogether on Saturdays - as part of a routine that he claims is meditative.
Many have suggested that Dorsey's diet could be classed as an eating disorder, rather than, ashe puts it, 'biohacking'.
The new study does not, by any means, provide a concrete verdict on breakfast.
As Borja Ibá?ez, MD, points out in an editorial, association is not necessarily causation.
Those who didn't eat breakfast were more likely to smoke, scrimp on exercise, and drinkalcohol.