故宮,又名紫禁城 (Forbidden City),位于北京市中心,今天人們稱它為故宮,意為“過去的皇宮”。它是無與倫比的古代建筑杰作,世界現(xiàn)存的最大、最完整的古建筑群,被譽為世界五大宮[北京故宮、法國凡爾賽宮 (Versailles Palace)、英國白金漢宮 (Buckingham Palace)、美國白宮 (White House)、俄羅斯克里姆林宮 (Kremlin)]之首。故宮建成于明代。在當時落后的社會生產(chǎn)條件下,能建造這樣宏偉高大的建筑群,充分反映了中國古代勞動人民的高度智慧和創(chuàng)造才能。
1. 古代建筑杰作:翻譯為masterpiece of ancient construction。
2. 被譽為……:翻譯為be honored as...,其中honor作動詞,意為“授予……榮譽”。
3. 落后的社會生產(chǎn)條件:翻譯為poor social production conditions。poor常見的釋義為“貧窮的”,另外還有“不好的;不足的”之意。
4. 充分反映了……:翻譯為fully reflects...
The Palace Museum
The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. Today, people name it Gu Gong in Chinese with the meaning of“palace in the old times”. It's an unprecedented masterpiece of ancient construction, and the biggest and most complete ancient architectural complex existing in the world as well. It's honored as top one among the five grand palaces in the world: the other four being the Versailles Palace in France, the Buckingham Palace in Britain, the White House in America and the Kremlin in Russia. The Palace Museum was built in the Ming Dynasty. The construction of such a grand and huge architectural complex under the poor social production condition then fully reflects the great intelligence and creativity of ancient Chinese working people.
故宮宮殿自北向南沿著中軸線(axile wire)排列,三大殿、后三宮、御花園都位于這條中軸線上,并向兩旁展開,南北取直,左右對稱。這條中軸線不僅貫穿紫禁城,而且貫穿了市中心,它南達永定門,北到鼓樓、鐘樓,氣魄宏偉,規(guī)劃嚴整,極為壯觀。故宮是一個無與倫比的建筑杰作,它的平面布局,立體效果,以及建筑形式上的雄偉、堂皇、莊嚴、和諧,使其成為中國古代建筑藝術(shù)的精華。它標志著中國悠久的文化傳統(tǒng),顯示著五百多年前匠師們在建筑上的卓越成就。