Xin Tao : Did you hear that Xiao Li is getting married next week?
Yang Yang : Is that so? How come he didn't say a word that he's getting married? I didn' hear that he had bought a house.
X : The couple didn't buy a house. They will live in a rented apartment. They gave up the idea of buying a house.
Y : Ah? They planned a simple wedding indeed.
Y : How courageous! If it were me, I would not be able to do so!
Without material base, how could they get married?
X : Whatever somebody said, however you thought, at that time when our parents got married, there was no equivalent to such a
no-frills civil wedding ceremony.
Y : This present period is not the same. Of course, at that time there was no material wealth as today's.
X : But at that time, material didn't represent everything. A couple had to struggle after having got married.
Y : Anyway, I would not be willing to be married off to a man, who ''has no car'', ''has no house'', ''has no savings in the bank''.
Even if I would be willing, my mother would not be willing to marry off her daughter under such circumstances. Besides, I would want surely to have a magnificent wedding!
X : I have to say, rather than ''keep up appearances'' it would be better '' to use the money where it's needed most''.