A: Jane was uptight about riding the roller coaster.
B: Yeah, the height and speed gave her cold feet.
A: She almost chickened out when she heard the screams of those scared cats who got on first.
B: She was in a cold sweat but went on anyway because her boyfriend got on with her.
A: 一想到坐過山車Jane就緊張得要命。
B: 是啊,過山車又高又快,嚇得她怯場。
A: 聽到那些在她面前坐過山車的膽小鬼們一聲聲的驚叫,她嚇得差點開溜。
B: 盡管嚇得直冒冷汗,但她還是去坐過山車了,因為她男朋友陪著她。
uptight: 緊張不安的,神經(jīng)過敏的。cold feet: 害怕,膽怯;信心或勇氣的喪失。
scaredy cats: 形容某人不夠勇敢,缺乏勇氣,本性懦弱。是一個用來奚落別人的短語。
in a cold sweat: 由于驚嚇或者害怕而出了一身的冷汗。sweat,汗。