For some reason this is all localized in the woods, and just that particular spot too. Nothing ever happened in the house or in the yard or another part of the forest to my knowledge. Another thing that happened, although I wasn't there to witness it was the runners.
Apparently my friends on a few different occasions witnessed a white form running between the forest and Matt's cousin's house (it's a family plot of land) that is about 200 yards down the driveway and on the forest border. The runner would either start from the forest and run up to and behind the house, or start from the house and run down into the forest and disappear.
Although this doesn't sound like all that much compared to some other stories, it's very scary and unsettling. Whenever I am around the woods or in them I truly feel a malevolent presence. Whenever I am in the back yard at night I can feel "them" watching me and if I kind of concentrate it's almost like I can hear "them" or something at the very edge of consciousness. But that part may very well be my imagination. When leaving the house at night I also never feel safe until I'm in my car and down the road, sometimes it's scarier then others. For instance, on some occasions I can just tell they're watching, other times it's like they're reaching out and I run to my car and speed off and still don't feel safe even after I get home.
In the recent year or so it's kind of dropped off, but then again we're hardly there, Matt doesn't live at home anymore so we're only there when he comes home, once every 5 months or so. But I know they're still down there.