I'll try to describe the campsite as best I can; I was only ever there at night. To get there you had to walk through Matt's back yard, there was about 150 yards or so of grass between the house and the edge of the forest. Then, after entering the woods it was about 25 yards or so back to the campsite. The site itself was in the midst of a bamboo patch. Seems like an odd place for bamboo to me. There was also a small stream running through. Anyway, we got back there and built the fire. Had our party and left at around 2 or 3 I guess. Everything was normal, right? It wasn't until 2 weeks later when we were away on our senior week when the entire story seemed to come together.
The night this happened, we now affectionately call "Fright Night", because we scared ourselves to death. We started out talking about weird stuff, which lead to talk of ghosts and the like. Then someone said something about Matt's woods and everything poured out from there. We all had in different ways experienced a presence in the forest. Actually 3 different spirits. Some of my friends saw them in the forest, some saw them through the fire, I myself only felt them, but we all pretty much agreed on one thing, they were NOT friendly.