The next day was fairly normal. I went over to my mate's house that afternoon. We decided to go and fetch some of the others and have a game of footy. But, as we walked along the street, I saw a figure standing by a lamp post. I knew it couldn't be, but it was: my granddad was standing there, looking right back at me. I turned to my mate;
"Titch? You see that old guy over there? In the great-coat?" I pointed toward the lamppost.
"Where? I can't see anyone."
"There! Look!"
But Titch couldn't see anything, it was just me.
That evening, I thought long and hard about what was going on. Then quickly came to the conclusion that I didn't have a clue. As I thought, I noticed the smell again. But this time it wasn't choking, it was just enough for me to know it was there.
I had got used to the idea that the smoke smell was my granddad, so I just ignored it now, and went out into the conservatory. But as I passed through the door, he was there! Stood in the conservatory in his old greatcoat. Though not quite as clear as when I'd seen him earlier that day, sort of a shadow of himself. My blood ran cold, and I just stood and stared. The figure looked at me and smiled, then faded away, taking the stench of cigarette smoke with him.
第二天一切如常.那天下午我到朋友家里去。 我們決定去再叫幾個朋友一起玩一場足球比賽。 但是走在街上,我突然看到燈柱邊站著一個身影。 我知道這不可能,但我真的看到是我爺爺站在那兒,回過頭看著我。 我問朋友: Titch,你看見那邊那個老人嗎?那個穿大衣的老人?”我指著燈柱.
那天晚上,我絞盡腦汁地想了很久,這到底是怎么回事。 很快我得出了結論:我實在不知道到底發(fā)生了什么。 我正在冥思苦想的時候,我又感覺到了煙味.但是這一次煙味不太嗆人,只是淡淡的,剛好能讓我感覺到它的存在。
我已經習慣了認為那股煙味是我爺爺的了, 所以現在我干脆就不理會這種味道,便進了溫室。 當我穿過溫室門的時候,我看到爺爺就站在那,穿著那件舊大衣站在溫室里。 雖然晚上他看上去不像我白天看他的時候那么清楚,有點像他的陰影.我立刻毛骨悚然,照在原地,盯著爺爺看.那個身影也看著我笑,然后慢慢地淡了,連同他身上煙的味道一起散去了。