My involvement in World Expo 2010 Shanghai China was predestined. Its Expo Park sits alongside the Bailianjing Wharf in Pudong, where I had worked for 28 years. I feel a deep attachment to every inch of land and every single tree there.
In 1969 when I turned 17, I was assigned to the Shanghai Port Administration and worked as a stevedore at the Bailianjing Wharf, an old wharf that had evolved with Shanghai's history.
Located at the confluence of the Huangpu and Bailianjing rivers, the site was ideal for a wharf because of the constant washing from these two great waterways, which kept the area from silting up. In the early 19th century, this treasured land attracted the Dollar Steamship Company, predecessor of today's American President Lines Ltd, who built one of the Shanghai's few big wharves there.
My mentor told me that warships of many world powers moored there when they invaded China.
After the country's liberation, the former Dollar Port was returned to the Chinese people and became a hub for trade in wood, pig iron and household goods.
During my 28 years as a worker there, I witnessed the progress of the Port of Shanghai. When I started working there in 1968, the port did not enjoy any international status due to its poor efficiency in handling ships and cargos by mainly manual operation.
Today, it has become the largest port in the world, with cargo throughput jumping to 580 million tons from 3.5 million in 1968 after it was moved first from the Huangpu River to the Yangtze River and then again to the Yangshan Deep-Water Port. The Bailianjing Wharf had fulfilled its historic mission, and now the area has been given a new destiny as the main venue for the World Expo. As the exposition draws near, this piece of land will soon come into the global spotlight.