LL: Freaky means scary or really weird. That bug was definitely freaky.
LH: 噢,freaky是形容很可怕或者很怪。一點(diǎn)都沒錯(cuò),那只大蟑螂真的是既惡心又可怕。我最怕蟑螂,尤其是這么大的!
LL: What do you think of spiders?
LH: 蜘蛛?我覺得蜘蛛比蟑螂更可怕!
LL: Yeah, I don't like spiders very much either. My friend has a pet tarantula, which is a really big hairy spider, and it is the freakiest thing I've ever seen.
LH: 我真搞不懂,像你朋友那樣的人怎么會(huì)養(yǎng)蜘蛛當(dāng)寵物,毛茸茸的蜘蛛想起來就讓人頭皮發(fā)麻,怎么還能當(dāng)寵物,真是freaky耶!
LL: Pet tarantulas are actually pretty common. You can buy them in any pet shop.
LH: 嗨,我才不管這種蜘蛛寵物是不是很常見。我還是覺得養(yǎng)蜘蛛當(dāng)寵物真是很怪,很可怕的,very freaky!
LL: There's a horror movie about giant spiders that is so freaky that I can't even bear to watch it.
LH: 噢,你是說那部有大蜘蛛的電影?嗯,我還記得看過他們的廣告。別說去看了,我連想都沒想過。如果我真的去看了那電影,大概會(huì)做一個(gè)月的惡夢。
LL: Yeah, I only watched a few minutes of it before I decided that it was too freaky for me.
LH: 瞧,連你這個(gè)大男生都不敢看,那電影一定很freaky。對了,Larry,除了蟑螂、蜘蛛,你覺得蛇是不是也很freaky?
LL: Actually, snakes don't bother me that much. Rats don't bother me very much, either.
LH: 啊,你不怕蛇,也不怕老鼠。好怪噢!我啊,我覺得蛇跟老鼠就像蜘蛛一樣恐怖!
LL: Hey, Li Hua, would you wig out and refuse to come to my apartment if I got a pet rat?
LH: 你想在家里養(yǎng)老鼠當(dāng)寵物,還問我會(huì)不會(huì)wig out,那是什么意思???
LL: To wig out means the same as to freak out. It means to get very excited or upset.
LH: 噢,wig out跟freak out意思一樣,就是讓人激動(dòng),或者把人嚇壞了。哎,Larry,你是真的想養(yǎng)一只老鼠當(dāng)寵物啊?
LL: They actually make good pets and they are relatively easy to care for.
LH: 你覺得養(yǎng)老鼠當(dāng)寵物比較簡單,那你就去養(yǎng),我管不著,不過,我可能再也不敢去你家了。
LL: That's what I was afraid of. I wouldn't mind having a pet rat, but I don't want to make all of my friends wig out, either.
LH: 嗯,聽你這么一說,我倒強(qiáng)烈建議你別養(yǎng)老鼠。我想很多人,特別是女孩子,大概會(huì)被你的寵物嚇跑。這樣你想交女朋友的希望就更加渺茫嘍!
LL: I hadn't thought of that. Yeah, I don't want to meet a nice girl then cause her to wig out when she finds out that I have a pet rat.
LH: 就是啊,為了一只老鼠,嚇跑了女朋友,那就不上算了。不過話說回來,Larry,你要是真的很想養(yǎng)寵物,就別太在意別人的想法嘛!
LL: I know, but I don't want people wigging out every time they come to my apartment.
LH: 你又想養(yǎng)寵物,又怕朋友被嚇跑。對了,或許你可以考慮養(yǎng)魚啊,一般人不會(huì)怕魚,有的魚還非常好看吶!
LL:That's a good idea!
今天李華學(xué)到兩個(gè)常用語。第一個(gè)是freaky,是形容很可怕,很怪的意思。另一個(gè)常用語是wig out,這是指讓人激動(dòng),或者使人很害怕的意思。