Larry和李華正在吃午飯。Larry好像心情不太好。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:crummy和sack out。
LH: Larry,怎么啦?你好像不太開心,是什么事惹你不高興?
LL: Oh, I'm just having a really crummy day. My crummy computer crashed again and my crummy air conditioner isn't working.
LH: 你的電腦壞了,連你的空調也壞了。你可真倒霉耶!不過,你說了好幾個crummy,那是什么意思???
LL: When you're talking about a situation, crummy means miserable. When you're talking about an object, crummy means cheap and poor quality.
LH: 噢,crummy形容一個情況,是指非常難受、很慘。要是形容一個東西,就是指這個東西很次,質量很差。Larry,你真可憐,有沒有什么我能幫忙的?
LL: Not unless you can fix my crummy computer and my crummy air conditioner.
LH: 抱歉,我真希望我能幫忙,可是我既不會修電腦,也不會修空調。你有沒有通知你的房東,要他來修空調呢?
LL: Yeah, but he's not a very good landlord. He takes forever to fix anything, and even when he finally fixes something, he usually does a crummy job.
LH: 嗨,這樣的房東!要就不給你修,就是修也修得不怎么樣。這可真糟糕呢!What a crummy situation!
LL: You said it. I brought my computer to the repair shop and they say that they will have to keep for a week and it will cost $100 to fix.
LH: 什么!要在修理的店里放一個星期,還要一百美元?
LL: Yes, I hope they don't do a crummy job of fixing it. Well, if they do a crummy job the first time, then they should fix it the second time for free.
LH: 當然嘍,如果一次沒修好,他們當然得免費再幫你修。不過如果他們修理的技術太差,要我的話,可不想再回去找他們。
LL: That's understandable. Well, hopefully, they'll do a good job.
LL: I think part of the reason I'm having a crummy day is because I'm tired. I think I'll go home and sack out for an hour or two.
LH: 你累了?可你要回家做什么?什么是sack out?
LL: To sack out is to go to sleep. I want to go home and sleep for a while.
LH: 噢,原來to sack out就是睡覺。那不就和hit the sack意思一樣嘛?
LL: That's right. If I sack out for a couple of hours, then I should wake up in a better mood.
LH: 對了,Larry,你怎么會這么累???
LL: Well, I didn't sack out until around 2 this morning because I was trying to fix my crummy computer.
LH: 哇!修電腦修到清晨兩點,怪不得你那么累!你真應該早點休息!
LL: I know. It was so hard to get out of bed and go to work this morning.
LH: 那當然啦,半夜兩點才睡覺,早上肯定不想起床。如果你現(xiàn)在回家睡覺,那你今晚還睡得著嗎?
LL: I'm so tired that I don't think it will be a problem. I could probably sack out now and not wake up until tomorrow morning.
LH: 你累到這種程度呀?現(xiàn)在回家睡覺,可以一覺睡到明天早上?看你這個樣子,你再要這樣熬夜早晚得生病的!
LL:I don't believe you sack out at regular hour every night. You stay late too.
LL:You're right! I'll try not to sack out too late.
今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是crummy, 可以指情況很糟糕,也可以指一樣東西質量很差。另一個常用語是sack out,就是睡覺的意思。