李華和Larry在看大學(xué)美式足球賽。今天李華會學(xué)到兩個常用語:hardcore和to take it out on someone.
(Football crowd noise)
LH: 噢!今天真夠冷的。Larry,你看看那邊那幾個家伙,這么冷的天,還打赤膊,身上涂滿了漆。你說,他們這不是瘋了嗎?
LL: (Yelling) Come on, go, go, go! First down! Yeah! What's that Li Hua? No, those guys aren't crazy. They're hardcore football fans. They want to show how devoted they are to their team.
LH: 你說他們是什么? Hardcore?
LL: I said that they're hardcore fans. Hardcore means that they are very serious, and uncompromising. They are extremely devoted fans.
LH: 噢!我懂了,hardcore就是指非常認真,非常投入的球迷。Larry, 這個hardcore是不是只能用來形容球迷呢?
LL: No, hardcore can refer to people who are really devoted to a sport, hobby, or belief of some kind.
LH: 噢,hardcore 還可以指那些對某種運動、嗜好或信仰狂熱的人!
LL: For instance, my cousin John is a hardcore mountain climber. He's going to go to Alaska in the middle of winter just to climb a mountain for fun!
LL: Yeah, And you know Lisa, she's a hardcore shopper. The day after Christmas, she waited in front of a department store at 5:00 o'clock in the morning in order to buy some good stuff on sale.
LH: 對,我聽說了,Lisa圣誕節(jié)第二天早上五點就去排隊買減價商品。我說了下回跟她一起去買東西。
LL:I'm sure Lisa will turn you into a hardcore shopper too.
(Crowd cheering)
LH: 好啦!Larry, 我們的校隊已經(jīng)落后20分,比賽只剩下10分鐘??礃幼邮菦]希望了。我們可不可以回去啦?
LL: (Angry) Fine! Let's go.
LH: 嘿!別生氣嘛!你如果還想看,我們可以留下來?。?/p>
LL: Sorry Li Hua. I shouldn't take it out on you because I am disappointed about the football game. You're right, we should leave early.
LH: 你說你不該怎么啦!Take it out on me?你是要從我這兒拿走什么嗎?我聽不懂耶!
LL: No, that's not what I mean. To take it out on someone means to vent one's anger or frustrations on someone who is innocent.
LH: 噢!to take it out on someone, 就是把怒氣發(fā)泄在別人身上。就像我們中文里說的在別人身上“出氣”嘛。球隊輸了你心里不高興就想對我發(fā)脾氣。哎,沒關(guān)系,你再給我舉個例子當(dāng)作陪禮就行了!
LL: Hmm, well sometimes when someone has a bad day at work, they might take it out on their kids by yelling at them.
LH: 這是常見的。有的人辦公室里碰到不高興的事,回家就對孩子嚷嚷。我很幸運。我爸爸從來不把工作上的怨氣發(fā)在我們頭上。
LL: My father never took it out on us either. But my brother would always take it out on me whenever he was angry about something.
LH: 嗯,哥哥的欺負弟弟妹妹也不少見。Larry,告訴你,我心里不高興的時候,也會對學(xué)生發(fā)脾氣。
LL: Really? You're so mean! How did you take it out on them?
LH: 怎么在學(xué)生身上出氣呀?那還不容易! 給學(xué)生來個突擊測驗。
LL: Well, it's kind of unfair to take it out on your students, but I guess a little quiz can't hurt them. It can only make them study harder.
LH: 好了,我們還是趕快走吧。待會兒球輸了,這些球迷還不知要怎么發(fā)泄他們的怒氣呢!
LL: (Chuckles) Oh, take it easy, Li Hua. They won't take it out on you.
今天李華從Larry那兒學(xué)到兩個常用語。第一個是hardcore, 形容一個人狂熱地喜歡某樣活動。另一個常用語是to take it out on someone, 是指把怒氣發(fā)泄在某人身上。