Cancer: 巨蟹座
(June 21 - July 21)
(6. 21 – 7. 21)
You love to cook, Cancer, and to sample your wares while preparing them! Avoid temptation by adopting a nutritional program involving pre-measured, prepared meals. For exercise, try yoga and aerobics videos at home alone. You're not yet comfortable scantily clad in front of others.
Leo: 獅子座
(July 22 - August 21)
(7. 22 – 8. 21)
If you try to become slim and fit overnight, Leo, you're in danger of failure, because you'll surely cheat. You're in a hurry to look your very best, but you enjoy food too much to cut your calorie intake too low. Be patient and take it slow. Taking up running or swimming might help.
Virgo: 處女座
(August 22 - September 22)
(8. 22 – 9. 22)
Health and fitness probably aren't much of a problem for you, Virgo. You don't put on weight easily, and you're conscientious about fitness. For variety, try another dietary regimen and a new exercise program. It might make more of a difference than you'd think.