1.I want to take a nap. 午睡
2.I'm going to lie down. 躺下
3.You're pretending to be asleep
4.Were you sleeping?
5.No ,I was awake.
6.Will you change the baby's diaper?
7.Do you need to pee?
8.It is time to go wee-wee. 尿尿
10.Kuchi-kuchi-koo. 都嬰兒
11.Let's play catch.
12.The water is leaking.
13.It's so dusty. 灰塵
14.It is stuffy in this room . 不通風
15.It's drafty in this room. 通風
16.Will you feed the dog?
17.Will you take the dog for a walk?
18.Take care of my brother and sister.
19.Please water the plants.
20.What a mess! 亂七八糟
21.Help me.
22.Clean up your room. 整理
23.Help me clean up the house.
24.We're out of dish detergent. 碗盤清潔劑 用完了
25.Will you put up the clothes to dry? 晾衣服
26.Will you help me fold up the clothes? 疊衣服
27.Please sweep the floor.
28.Please scrub the sink .
29.I have to vacuum my room .吸塵器
30.Please dust the shelves.
31.Please mop the floor.
32.Will you iron the shirt?
33.I have to iron my skirt.
34.Let's go grocery shopping. 雜貨店
35.The park was crowded.
36.Can you baby-sit tonight ? 看小孩