劉向(約公元前77年-公元前6年),原名更生,字子政,西漢楚國(guó)彭城人,祖籍秦泗水郡豐縣,漢朝宗室,先祖為豐縣劉邦異母弟劉交。劉向是西漢經(jīng)學(xué)家、目錄學(xué)家、文學(xué)家、史學(xué)家,其散文主要是秦疏和校讎古書的敘錄。劉向的詩(shī)詞全集: 《鄭同北見趙王》 《人有賣駿馬者》 《吳王欲伐荊》 《南轅北轍》 《荊軻刺秦王》 《千金求馬》 《葉公好龍》 《齊桓公登門訪士》
Buying a Good Horse
There was a king who was willing to pay a thousand pieces of gold for a horse that could run a thousand li without stopping. For three years he tried in vain to find such a steed.
Then someone offered: “l(fā)et me look for a horse for your Majesty.”
Then king agreed to this.
After three months this man came back, having spent five hundred pieces of gold on a horse's skull.
The king was most enraged.
“I want a live horse!” he roared. “What use is a dead horse to me? Why spend fiver hundred pieces of gold on nothing?”
But the man replied: “If you will spend five hundred pieces of gold on a dead horse, won't you give much more for a live one? When people hear of this, they will know you are really willing to pay for a good horse, and will quickly send you their best.”
Sure enough, in less than a year the king succeeded in buying three excellent horses.
--Warring States Anecdotes