殿 hall
亭 pavilion
臺 platform tower
樓 building tower
閣 tower attic
剎 temple
壇 the temple of the heaven
龕 shrine
廟 taoist temple
寺 temple
庵 hunney
觀 taoist temple
廊 carible
河 moat
齋 study
莊 store /shop /villige
館 mansion /gusthouse /museum
塢 shelter
軒 veranda/pavilion
水榭 pavilion on the water
角樓 wachtower
鼓樓 drum tower
鐘樓 clock tower
古代鐘樓 bell tower
牌樓 memonial arch
屏風 screen
壁畫 murals
塔(舍利塔式的) dagoba
塔(寶塔式的) pagoda
寺院 monastery