Chapter III;第三章, 經(jīng)典段落:
The Story of Chopsticks;筷子的故事
Next is the story of chopsticks.Another one of my favorite passages.;接下來是<筷子的故事> 又是我最喜歡的段落之一
Jim,take it away. Thank you,Kim.;吉姆,你讀吧.
[1]Chopsticks are used every day in China.;中國人每天都在使用 筷子。
Now I'd like to take this opportunity;我想借這個機會
to share the interesting story of their history with you.;和大家一起聊一些有關 筷子歷史的有趣故事。
I think you'll agree that even an ordinary item used in daily life;我想你會贊同即使是 生活中的一件小物品
can have a facinating story.;也會有引人入勝的故事。
[2]Although chopsticks originated in China,;筷子起源于中國,
they are widely used in many Asian countries.;現(xiàn)在很多的亞洲國家都 使用它。
[3]The first chop- sticks were made from bone and jade;第一批筷子是骨頭或 玉制成的。
[4]In the Spring and Autumn period,;在春秋時代
copper and iron chopsticks came into being.;又出現(xiàn)了銅制和鐵制的 筷子。
[5]In ancient times;在古代,
the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.;富人家用玉或金子 制成筷子以顯示其家庭 的富有。
[6]Many kings and emperors;許多帝王
used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned.;用銀制的筷子以檢查 他們的事物中是否被人 投了毒。
[7]Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries,;筷子在傳統(tǒng)上是被當作 新娘的嫁妝的,
because "Chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "Kuaizi";因為“筷子”在漢語中 讀作"Kuaizi",
which sounds like "get a son soon.";聽起來很像“快得兒子。
[8]Many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China.;許多的外國朋友在訪問 中國的時候都使用 筷子。
[9]Even former President of the United States, Richard Nixon,;美國前總統(tǒng) 理查德.尼克松
used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet held in his honor.;在為其到來而舉辦的 歡迎宴會上也使用了 筷子。
[10]As soon as he left his table,;他剛一離開桌子,
a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historic souvenir;一名國外的外交人員就抓 起了他的筷子,把它作為 了具有歷史意義的紀念品
[11]Remember to tell this interesting story;不要忘記把這個有趣的 故事告訴他們,
the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge.;下次與國外朋友吃飯時, 賣弄一下你的知識。
OK.This is a challenge to read as quickly as possible because it's long.;這次用最快速讀是個 挑戰(zhàn),因為這段長.
I'll take a deep breath.OK.;我要深吸一口氣.好.
[1]Chopsticks are used every day in China.;中國人每天都在使用 筷子。
Now I'd like to take this opportunity;我想借這個機會
to share the interesting story of their history with you.;和大家一起聊一些有關 筷子歷史的有趣故事。
I think you'll agree that even an ordinary item used in daily life;我想你會贊同即使是 生活中的一件小物品
can have a facinating story.;也會有引人入勝的故事。
[2]Although chopsticks originated in China,;筷子起源于中國,
they are widely used in many Asian countries.;現(xiàn)在很多的亞洲國家都 使用它。
[3]The first chop- sticks were made from bone and jade;第一批筷子是骨頭或 玉制成的。
[4]In the Spring and Autumn period,;在春秋時代
copper and iron chopsticks came into being.;又出現(xiàn)了銅制和鐵制的 筷子。
[5]In ancient times;在古代,
the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.;富人家用玉或金子 制成筷子以顯示其家庭 的富有。
[6]Many kings and emperors;許多帝王
used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned.;用銀制的筷子以檢查 他們的事物中是否被人 投了毒。
[7]Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries,;筷子在傳統(tǒng)上是被當作 新娘的嫁妝的,
because "Chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "Kuaizi";因為“筷子”在漢語中 讀作"Kuaizi",
which sounds like "get a son soon.";聽起來很像“快得兒子。
[8]Many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China.;許多的外國朋友在訪問 中國的時候都使用 筷子。
[9]Even former President of the United States, Richard Nixon,;美國前總統(tǒng) 理查德.尼克松
used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet held in his honor.;在為其到來而舉辦的 歡迎宴會上也使用了 筷子。
[10]As soon as he left his table,;他剛一離開桌子,
a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historic souvenir.;一名國外的外交人員就抓 起了他的筷子,把它作為 了具有歷史意義的紀念品
[11]Remember to tell this interesting story;不要忘記把這個有趣的 故事告訴他們,
the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge.;下次與國外朋友吃飯時, 賣弄一下你的知識。
Normal speed.;常速.
[1]Chopsticks are used every day in China.;中國人每天都在使用 筷子。
Now I'd like to take this opportunity;我想借這個機會
to share the interesting story of their history with you.;和大家一起聊一些有關 筷子歷史的有趣故事。
I think you'll agree that even an ordinary item used in daily life;我想你會贊同即使是 生活中的一件小物品
can have a facinating story.;也會有引人入勝的故事。
[2]Although chop- sticks originated in China,;筷子起源于中國,
they are widely used in many Asian countries.;現(xiàn)在很多的亞洲國家都 使用它。
[3]The first chop- sticks were made from bone and jade;第一批筷子是骨頭或 玉制成的。
[4]In the Spring and Autumn period,;在春秋時代
copper and iron chopsticks came into being.;又出現(xiàn)了銅制和鐵制的 筷子。
[5]In ancient times;在古代,
the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.;富人家用玉或金子 制成筷子以顯示其家庭 的富有。
[6]Many kings and emperors;許多帝王
used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned.;用銀制的筷子以檢查 他們的事物中是否被人 投了毒。
[7]Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries,;筷子在傳統(tǒng)上是被當作 新娘的嫁妝的,
because "Chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "Kuaizi";因為“筷子”在漢語中 讀作"Kuaizi",
which sounds like "get a son soon.";聽起來很像“快得兒子。
[8]Many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China.;許多的外國朋友在訪問 中國的時候都使用 筷子。
[9]Even former President of the United States, Richard Nixon,;美國前總統(tǒng) 理查德.尼克松
used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet held in his honor.;在為其到來而舉辦的 歡迎宴會上也使用了 筷子。
[10]As soon as he left his table,;他剛一離開桌子,
a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historic souvenir.;一名國外的外交人員就抓 起了他的筷子,把它作為 了具有歷史意義的紀念品
[11]Remember to tell this interesting story;不要忘記把這個有趣的 故事告訴他們,
the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge.;下次與國外朋友吃飯時, 賣弄一下你的知識。
Well,I think I'll tell this story right now. It's interesting enough to tell twice.;我現(xiàn)在就來講這個故事. 它很有趣,值得講兩遍.
[1]Chopsticks are used every day in China.;中國人每天都在使用 筷子。
Now I'd like to take this opportunity;我想借這個機會
to share the interesting story of their history with you.;和大家一起聊一些有關 筷子歷史的有趣故事。
I think you'll agree that even an ordinary item used in daily life;我想你會贊同即使是 生活中的一件小物品
can have a facinating story.;也會有引人入勝的故事。
[2]Although chop- sticks originated in China,;筷子起源于中國,
they are widely used in many Asian countries.;現(xiàn)在很多的亞洲國家都 使用它。
[3]The first chop- sticks were made from bone and jade;第一批筷子是骨頭或 玉制成的。
[4]In the Spring and Autumn period,;在春秋時代
copper and iron chopsticks came into being.;又出現(xiàn)了銅制和鐵制的 筷子。
[5]In ancient times;在古代,
the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.;富人家用玉或金子 制成筷子以顯示其家庭 的富有。
[6]Many kings and emperors;許多帝王
used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned.;用銀制的筷子以檢查 他們的事物中是否被人 投了毒。
[7]Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries,;筷子在傳統(tǒng)上是被當作 新娘的嫁妝的,
because "Chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "Kuaizi";因為“筷子”在漢語中 讀作"Kuaizi",
which sounds like "get a son soon.";聽起來很像“快得兒子。
[8]Many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China.;許多的外國朋友在訪問 中國的時候都使用 筷子。
[9]Even former President of the United States, Richard Nixon,;美國前總統(tǒng) 理查德.尼克松
used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet held in his honor.;在為其到來而舉辦的 歡迎宴會上也使用了 筷子。
[10]As soon as he left his table,;他剛一離開桌子,
a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historic souvenir.;一名國外的外交人員就抓 起了他的筷子,把它作為 了具有歷史意義的紀念品
[11]Remember to tell this interesting story;不要忘記把這個有趣的 故事告訴他們,
the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge.;下次與國外朋友吃飯時, 賣弄一下你的知識。
ancient I'm very interested in the ancient history of China.;我對中國的古代歷史 非常感興趣。
Do you know anything about ancient poetry?;你對古詩有所了解嗎?
souvenir Do you want to buy some souvenirs before you leave?;離開前你要買些 紀念品嗎?
Coconuts and pearls are the best souvenirs in Hainan.;在海南,椰子與珍珠是 最好的旅游紀念品。
Just do it!;
[1]Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today.;很多人把今天能做的 事推到明日。
[2]They always look for excuses to postpone doing something.;他們總是找借口拖延 做事。
[3]In the end,it never gets done.;到頭來,事情做事沒 做完。
[4]If we leave things undone,we will eventually worry.;如果我們沒有把事情 做完,我們心里會感到 忐忑不安。
[5]This will then cause unnecessary stress.;這樣會造成不必要的壓力
[6]Therefore,if you have this bad habit,;因此,如果你有這種壞 習慣的話,
it's best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.;最好是將它克服并且盡快 把事情做好。
[1]Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today.;很多人把今天能做的 事推到明日。
[2]They always look for excuses to postpone doing something.;他們總是找借口拖延 做事。
[3]In the end,it never gets done.;到頭來,事情做事沒 做完。
[4]If we leave things undone,we will eventually worry.;如果我們沒有把事情 做完,我們心里會感到 忐忑不安。
[5]This will then cause unnecessary stress.;這樣會造成不必要的壓力
[6]Therefore,if you have this bad habit,;因此,如果你有這種壞 習慣的話,
it's best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.;最好是將它克服并且盡快 把事情做好。
Like practice this passage. Boy!;就象練這段話. 對!
[1]Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today.;很多人把今天能做的 事推到明日。
[2]They always look for excuses to postpone doing something.;他們總是找借口拖延 做事。
[3]In the end,it never gets done.;到頭來,事情做事沒 做完。
[4]If we leave things undone,we will eventually worry.;如果我們沒有把事情 做完,我們心里會感到 忐忑不安。
[5]This will then cause unnecessary stress.;這樣會造成不必要的壓力
[6]Therefore,if you have this bad habit,;因此,如果你有這種壞 習慣的話,
it's best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.;最好是將它克服并且盡快 把事情做好。
[1]Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today.;很多人把今天能做的 事推到明日。
[2]They always look for excuses to postpone doing something.;他們總是找借口拖延 做事。
[3]In the end,it never gets done.;到頭來,事情做事沒 做完。
[4]If we leave things undone,we will eventually worry.;如果我們沒有把事情 做完,我們心里會感到 忐忑不安。
[5]This will then cause unnecessary stress.;這樣會造成不必要的壓力
[6]Therefore,if you have this bad habit,;因此,如果你有這種壞 習慣的話,
it's best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.;最好是將它克服并且盡快 把事情做好。
And yes,I do have this bad habit.You know, most people do say,;我就有這個毛病. 你知道,許多人說:
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.;不要把今天的事推到明 天.
That's true. But I say,;是那樣的. 可是我說,
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.;不要把后天的 事推到明天.
Oh,it's terrible! I do not have this habit,but I know most people do.;太可怕了!我沒有這個壞 毛病.可我知道許多人有
I'm working about it. I'm working about it. OK. The day after tomorrow;我在改.我在改. ...后天...
postpone We have to postpone our meeting until next week.;我們要把會議推遲到 下個星期。
I've postponed my trip to Beijing for a few days.;我把去北京的行程 推遲了幾天。
unnecessary It's unnecessary to apologize.;沒有道歉的必要。
Don't pack any unnecessary clothes. Hainan is very warm.;海南非常暖和,不必要 的衣服就不要帶了。
Welcome to Hainan!;
[1]Hainan is a tropical island off the southern coast of China.;海南位于中國南部, 是一個熱帶氣候的島嶼。
[2]It is famous for its sunshine, fresh air and white-sand beaches;它因燦爛的陽光、清新的 空氣和潔白的沙灘而 享譽世界。
[3]In the winter, when the rest of China is cold and frozen,;在冬季,當中國的其它 地方又冷又凍時,
Hainan is a tropical paradise with warm breezes.;這兒是暖風習習的熱帶 天堂。
[4]You are welcome to visit the beautiful,;隨時歡迎您。
seaside cities of Haikou and Sanya.;美麗的海濱城市??凇?三亞。
[5]Hainan's economy is growing quickly and foreign inves- tment is welcomed.;海南的經(jīng)濟高速增長, 海外投資紛紛涌來。
[6]Whether you come to Hainan for business or pleasure,;不管是經(jīng)商還是休閑,
you'll surely find it is a perfect place to see da ziran(great nature);你都會發(fā)現(xiàn)這兒是接近 大自然的地方,
and enjoy the customs of local minorities.;而且這里的少數(shù)民族 風情引人入勝。
[7]Hainan is a treasure;海南是寶藏,
of China that should be shared with the whole world!;是中國與世界共享的
[1]Hainan is a tropical island off the southern coast of China.;海南位于中國南部, 是一個熱帶氣候的島嶼。
[2]It is famous for its sunshine, fresh air and white-sand beaches;它因燦爛的陽光、清新的 空氣和潔白的沙灘而 享譽世界。
[3]In the winter, when the rest of China is cold and frozen,;在冬季,當中國的其它 地方又冷又凍時,
Hainan is a tropical paradise with warm breezes.;這兒是暖風習習的熱帶 天堂。
[4]You are welcome to visit the beautiful,;隨時歡迎您。
seaside cities of Haikou and Sanya.;美麗的海濱城市海口、 三亞。
[5]Hainan's economy is growing quickly and foreign inves- tment is welcomed.;海南的經(jīng)濟高速增長, 海外投資紛紛涌來。
[6]Whether you come to Hainan for business or pleasure,;不管是經(jīng)商還是休閑,
you'll surely find it is a perfect place to see da ziran(great nature);你都會發(fā)現(xiàn)這兒是接近 大自然的地方,
and enjoy the customs of local minorities.;而且這里的少數(shù)民族 風情引人入勝。
[7]Hainan is a treasure;海南是寶藏,
of China that should be shared with the whole world!;是中國與世界共享的
Oh,one Chinese word can make Kim have a big problem!;哦,一個中文詞就能讓 Kim有大麻煩!
OK.Then normal speed, let's see if I can do it better.;下面我用常速讀,看看是 否能好一點.
[1]Hainan is a tropical island off the southern coast of China.;海南位于中國南部, 是一個熱帶氣候的島嶼。
[2]It is famous for its sunshine, fresh air and white-sand beaches.;它因燦爛的陽光、清新的 空氣和潔白的沙灘而 享譽世界。
[3]In the winter, when the rest of China is cold and frozen,;在冬季,當中國的其它 地方又冷又凍時,
Hainan is a tropical paradise with warm breezes.;這兒是暖風習習的熱帶 天堂。
[4]You are welcome to visit the beautiful,;隨時歡迎您。
seaside cities of Haikou and Sanya.;美麗的海濱城市海口、 三亞。
[5]Hainan's economy is growing quickly and foreign investment is welcomed.;海南的經(jīng)濟高速增長, 海外投資紛紛涌來。
[6]Whether you come to Hainan for business or pleasure,;不管是經(jīng)商還是休閑,
you'll surely find it is a perfect place to see da ziran(great nature);你都會發(fā)現(xiàn)這兒是接近 大自然的地方,
and enjoy the customs of local minorities.;而且這里的少數(shù)民族 風情引人入勝。
[7]Hainan is a treasure;海南是寶藏,
of China that should be shared with the whole world!;是中國與世界共享的!
That's for sure!;那是肯定的!
[1]Hainan is a tropical island off the southern coast of China.;海南位于中國南部, 是一個熱帶氣候的島嶼。
[2]It is famous for its sunshine, fresh air and white-sand beaches.;它因燦爛的陽光、清新的 空氣和潔白的沙灘而 享譽世界。
[3]In the winter, when the rest of China is cold and frozen,;在冬季,當中國的其它 地方又冷又凍時,
Hainan is a tropical paradise with warm breezes.;這兒是暖風習習的熱帶 天堂。
[4]You are welcome to visit the beautiful,;隨時歡迎您到
seaside cities of Haikou and Sanya.;美麗的海濱城市???、 三亞。
[5]Hainan's economy is growing quickly and foreign inves- tment is welcomed.;海南的經(jīng)濟高速增長, 海外投資紛紛涌來。
[6]Whether you come to Hainan for business or pleasure,;不管是經(jīng)商還是休閑,
you'll surely find it is a perfect place to see da ziran(great nature);你都會發(fā)現(xiàn)這兒是接近 大自然的地方,
and enjoy the customs of local minorities.;而且這里的少數(shù)民族 風情引人入勝。
[7]Hainan is a treasure;海南是寶藏,
of China that should be shared with the whole world!;是中國與世界共享的!
It certainly is!And by learning English;它當然是!而且通過學英 語,
you will be able to share all the wonderful details of features in Hainan.;你可以更好的享受海南 風情的細微之美.
So,best of luck!;祝你好運!
Chapter IV Master Examinations through Spoken English!;第四章 口語突破考試
Of course if you can speak sentences in correct grammar,;當然,如果你能說語法 正確的句子,
you will be able to answer test questions;你就能夠回答考試中
that ask you try to identify correct grammar.;要求改正語法錯誤的問題
So practice learning out these real test items;所以,練熟這些考試真題
and improve your performance on exams.;提高你的應試能力.
1.It is difficult to study English well.;1.學好英語很困難.
2.In the past twenty years there have been great changes in our home town.;2.在過去的20年里,我們 家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了巨變.
3.You look tired. You'd better go to bed early.;3.你看起來很累. 你最好早點上床睡覺.
4.Peter has to work till nine o'clock, doesn't he?;4.彼德得工作到九點, 是嗎?
5.Will you please show me how to use a computer?;5.請你教給我怎么用電腦 好嗎?
6.How about going shopping with me this afternoon?;6.今天下午跟我去購物 好嗎?
7.Let's try not to make the same mistake again.;7.我們別再犯同樣的 錯誤.
The next exam items come from the NMET examination.;下一組試題選自全國高考 試題
1.The WTO cannot live up to its name;1.WTO會名不副實,
as long as it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.;如果它不接受一個占世 界人口總數(shù)五分之一的 國家的話.
2.I really don't want to go to the party,;2.我真的不想去赴會,
but I don't see how I can get out of it.;可我不知道如何逃避.
3.Someone called me up in the middle of the night,;3.有人半夜給我打電話,
but they hung up before I could answer the phone.;可是我還未來得及接他 就把電話掛了.
4.A:Are you coming to Jeff's party?;4.A:你來參加杰夫的晚 會嗎?
B:I'm not sure.I might go to the concert instead.;B:說不準.我倒可能會去 聽音樂會.
5.If you want to change for a double room;5.如果你想換雙人間,
you'll have to pay another $15 more.;你得再付15美元.
6.A:Have you finished your report yet?;6.A:你的報告做完了嗎?
B:No,I'll finish in another ten minutes.;B:沒有,再有十分鐘才能 完.
7.A:How are you today?;7.A:今天好嗎?
B:Oh,I haven't felt as sick as I do now for a very long time.;B:哦,我好久沒有感覺 象現(xiàn)在這樣難受了.
OK,that brings us to the end of this part.;本部分到此結(jié)束.
Go on with more examination questions to blurt out.;接下來的試題也應 脫口而出.
1.A:Hi,haven't seen you for ages!You look fine!;1.A:嗨,多年不見,你看 上去不錯嘛!
B:Thanks.You look well,too.;B:謝謝.你看上去也挺好
2.A:Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. B:I won't.;2.A:別忘了明天來參加 我的生日晚會. B:不會忘的.
3.A:I'll be away on a business trip.;3.A:我要出差去.
Would you mind looking after my daughter?;你介意幫我照看我女兒 嗎?
B:Not at all.I'd be happy to.;B:一點都不介意.很樂意 幫忙.
4.A:I'm sorry I broke your mirror. B:Oh,really?It doesn't matter.;4.A:很抱歉我打破了你 的鏡子. B:哦,真的?沒關系.
5.A:Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? B:Yes,you could.;5.A:我能借你的詞典嗎? B:能借.
6.A:I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Stone.;6.A:我想邀請你這個周 六吃飯,石頭.
B:I'm very sorry,but I have other plans.;B:非常抱歉,我有其他 安排.
7.A:Who is Jerry Cooper?;7.A:誰是杰瑞.庫柏?
B:Haven't you met him yet?I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.;B:你沒見過他嗎?我看到 你在會上跟他握手了.
8.A:Can I get you a cup of tea? B:That's very nice of you.;8.A:給你泡杯茶吧? B:你太好了.
Now for the last part of Cracking Examination Through Spoken English.;下面是口語突破考試的 最后一部分.
1.He is watching TV? He's supposed to be cleaning his room.;1.他居然在看電視? 他理應清掃房間的.
2.Had he worked harder,he would have got through the exams.;2.如果他學習再努力些, 他就會通過考試了.
And that brings us to the end of Cracking Examination Through Spoken English.;口語突破考試到此結(jié)束.
and brings us to the end of this book.;本書也到此結(jié)束了.
Good luck with your Crazy English and good luck with your life.;祝各位在學習瘋狂英語中 好運,一生好運.
Good luck everybody. Bye-bye.;各位好運. 再見.